At the Crystal and Wellness Warehouse, We love and accept everyone.
In the last few years we have been able to express our inner identity now more than ever. From Witches, Warlocks, Wizards, LGBTQQIP2SA, Anime, Rainbow unircorns, whatever you identify with is time to be loud and Proud.
Boss Witches - We witches we are out of the closest now, Do No harm, Take No crap. Look, we have just had bad PR for the last 300 years! Blessed be xx
Go Smudge Your Self - Some People Really Need A Strong Message To Calm Their Toxic Energy, do the people at your work place need a good smudging?
Woo Woo AF - Yeah, I'm into full moons, tarot cards, star sign stuff and i have crystals in my bra!!!Â
I'm Into Spiritual Shit - What's Your Issue? I like to do yoga and drink cacao...
Statement Pins to show people who you really are -
Progess Pride Pins - Love and Accepting of All
Let it Be known with -
F$%k You
Let's Conjure
Protection From Assholes
Not Enough Sage To Purify Your Bullshit
Time To Let Out Your Inner Personality and Shine Bright and Make A Statement. You Got This!Â