Who is the Lady of the Forest?
Trees are also sacred to Flidais as she serves as the protector of the trees and the animals of the forest. She is seen as the protector of the poor and the outcast who called on her when they were in need of safe harbor.
Call on Flidais when you feel out of balance, as she represents the eternal cycles of growth and rebirth. She embodies both our domestic and wild natures, helping us find that balance within ourselves. She can help us touch the deepest, wild parts of our own sexuality, relieving any guilt that civilization has created. Flidais also returns us to our own sense of empowerment. She claims the right to give her powers of nurturing, abundance, and sensuality to whomever she chooses. Through her role as a shape-shifter, she helps us shift the shape of our lives. She opens our eyes to a new light, releasing us into abundance and creativity. May you feel the depth of her love deep in your heart.