Your Weekly Horoscope Reading
10th June - 16th June

You welcome this news or invitation
You’ll be on your game, your mind will be amplified with ideas, and you implement and articulate these concepts in a way that just flows like water. Be mindful of how you talk to yourself though. You could be reminded that being kinder to yourself and speak to yourself in a way that is nurturing to your inner child. Lift your self-esteem to a higher level with unconditional love and support for yourself. Opportunities that present themselves now, is well worth looking into. Welcomed news is on its way with an invitation or a binding contract. It sure will bring a smile to your face. You will see that this is a busy and exciting time coming in for you. Until then if you feel like a lost soul wandering and not being able to settle, then do something that is comforting and calming to you. Remember the times in which Spirit messages occur is often during a resting up period.
Use Golden Mica for meditation, the calming effects makes chaotic places more serene. Improves your outlook, attitude and motivation, it helps encourage you to take back control of your own life.

This opportunity offers the potential of a prosperous reality
Money and your time, plus how to combine the two is on your mind this week. You have a goal to grow your resources and build a life that that sets you up for the future, your self-confidence is rising to accomplish this and you are doing what it takes to gain security in your world. All of this action orientated manifesting is awesome, it shows that you know how to work your magic. Your ability to make money and control your finances are equally connected to your energy, as is everything else in this world. There’s potential for a change but it’s is all up to you. Get ready though because this prospective could become a reality in the way of a new financial opportunity. Knowing your worth is recognising what you deserve. You’re aware of your capabilities so ensure this is to be here.
Use Lapis Lazuli this is a stone of truth, it encourages honesty. Brings harmony in relationships. Encourage self-expression, self-awareness and objectivity. Brings clarity and strengthens intuition.

It will serve you to stay humble
A big woooohoooo for you as the excitement rockets you to get ready to take on opportunities that come your way. Believe that possibilities are opening up with potential. Mind your p’s and q’s and remain liberal with your interactions, being humble will catch more flies with honey. Jumping to conclusions could lead to misunderstandings so listen carefully, pay special attention to what you want to say. A new cycle is starting for you with a whole new awareness of what needs to be released to set in motion. This reset helps you to gain a positive mindset. If an important decision needs to be made, go with your intuition. A lot is going on in your 3D world including loads of communication to and fro, texts emails etc. This could send you into over drive, so be sure to take a time out if it all feels too much.
Use Howlite to strengthen positive traits, unblocks truths to past life issues, promotes calm communication, helps to remove unwanted negative behaviour. Unburdens an over active mind.

Angel messages will assist you in your daily life
Take it easy and rest up, enjoy this time of retreat from the rest of the world. If nothing seems to be moving ahead or going at full speed right now, just take this moment for some time out and learn more about your spiritual self, by going within. Your life will be full of activity soon enough, so don’t worry. Your dreams are offering you some amazing insights, so keep a dream journal and watch how the messages play out and become relevant for your day to day life. Meditate on the messages, ask your guides to help you to envision your how life will look, once you have implemented the guidance. Enjoy this wonderful time to interpret what has been offered by your angel guides. Something is finishing up and a door is closing which could have you feeling a sense of sadness or loss. A revelation about how your habits, behaviours, thoughts processes and ways of communicating could have caused some issues. Forgive yourself but see it all as a lesson to level up.
Use Peach Moonstone has a protective energy and helps with self-love. Assists to help you try something new and begin to grow more comfortable with yourself.

Your friends play a big part in your wishes coming true
If you are part of a group and you engage with them in a social setting, be sure to make the time together worth it. Stay away from petty conversations that revolve around rumours, assumptions and hearsay. The last thing you want is disagreements with others, you have enough on your plate to contend with already. If you notice that something in your life is causing obstacles and blocking a path, yet you would like for it to flow like an unencumbered stream, then go within to see what it is that you need to do, to make the moves, to help your dreams to come true. This energy is congruent with receiving assistance that facilitates your wishes to be manifested. Your friends will play a big part in this, you may be considering joining up with others in a partnership. The ideas flow and you can enjoy moments of heart to heart connection. Learn all you can from each other as you work on goals and create opportunities together.
Use Opalite to clear the mind, reducing fatigue and energy, improves communication especially spiritual. Removes energy blockages and assists during transitions.

Extend yourself and adapt to changes
Communication is one of your best traits! You are being encouraged to express your innovative ideas in a group setting where you network with others on a venture. Your dreams could be grand so visualize and imagine. The idea is to go big and let the Universe sort it out from there, it doesn’t hurt to aim high. An opportunity shines a light right on you and pushes you to step into the limelight. Don’t be nervous you’ve got this! This could be the moment where everything changes. Being flexible will be advantageous for your luck. Now is the time to extend yourself and adapt to changing circumstances. You could generate connections and link up with new associates who are beneficial to raising you higher up the ladder. Your professional life sees opportunities being offered left, right and centre. Use your vision to see the future ahead, make the time and take the action needed to develop a more disciplined routine to reach your goal.
Use New Jade for attracting luck, prosperity, tranquillity, wisdom and reflection. It is also a psychic protective stone that can shield from ill wishes and negative forces.

Memories of a distant past could resurface
Get ready to explore the wide open spaces in your vehicle of choice. As you travel towards freedom and adventure that leads you to welcoming new experiences. These areas offer you something else that you couldn’t get from the comfort of your usual zone. It is possible that this is a journey of the spiritual realm too, that takes you to places that you’ve never been. You could be practicing the arts of the divine or learning the delicate art of manifestation in the written form. Connect with people who are out of the ordinary for you. Connect with those who have a vast cultural experience that intrigues you. You could be taken back to a time with memories that surface of a distant past. You could uncover mysteries of the unknown and realise where certain beliefs came from originally. After an experience that you will never forget your view of life and how you interpret situations could all be altered through a change of perspective.
Use Rhodonite for emotional healing, to bring you back to centre during stressful times providing grounding support when needing to overcome any emotional scars.

Getting hot under the collar in more ways than one
Karmic debts or financial debts, it’s now time to settle them and close out situations that have passed their due by date. The unspoken and hidden, and what has been undercover and under wraps will be brought up, to be touched on again. You’ll be relying on your friend circle and the trust you have in them. You know they have your back to keep the promise of confidentiality within your sacred union. Magic done in the dark that is linked with taboo topics could be on the tip of your tongue. You could be swapping information with others or getting all hot under the collar in a session of hot and steamy conversation. Intimacy is the topic of discussion or you could delving into what intimacy means to you. You are transforming from within and in turn your relationships are transforming too. New business arrangements could be the result from this internal shift that you have been experiencing.
Use Malachite transforms consciousness, works with deep-seated emotions, clearing unwanted baggage from the past. Allowing to heal oneself by letting go of unwanted and unhelpful behaviours.

Unburden yourself from the judgements of others
A feeling of being unsure of what to do next could see you undergoing a pause in your decision making. Wait a minute before making the adjustments that need to be implemented. Be aware of jumping to conclusions if you hear something that feels like chinese whispers. Watch out for expectations from others, or that you should be quiet and ignore concerns or red flags. What doesn’t sit well with you could expose vulnerabilities or you could feel burdened by someone’s fault finding. We all go through ups and downs, one day you’re all in your head, then the next it’s all good again. A playful energy incorporating fun is a little more pleasant, this helps you to begin to embrace a lighter energy. Someone pretty special makes it front and centre in your world. Magic could be happening with a spark of delight in the friendship and love sector. Find a balance in how you relate to others and savour the enjoyable moments and learn to release the less than favourable moments.
Use Celestite for peace, harmony and alleviate fears it can help balance an overwhelmed energy connected with a heavy workload and restore stresses energy after a busy day.

Let’s get physical should be on your play list
Is your overall wellness being affected by your mind over matter and relentless pursuit of perfection? It really doesn’t hurt to have a check-up just to make sure that everything is working as it should be. If you are worrying too much, do what you can to distract yourself by exercising out doors to stimulate your energy and receive your dopamine rush. Most of us take our good health for granted and many of us overthink far too much. Is it time to reassess your daily routine and shake it up to create a better balance in your lifestyle? We all need to readjust our boundaries every now and then, not just with others but with our selves too. Habits that have been part of your life for a while now is on the verge of being released. It’s good to create new healthier habits and change up behaviours that aren’t conducive to the new you that you are manifesting for your future.
Use Desert Rose Selenite for mental clarity and focus, it is excellent to use for self-expression, meditation and manifestation. Cleanse your own aura, other crystals and your environment.

This is not the time to fly by the seat of your pants
It's the perfect time to try a new hobby or find your creative niche with a project. Romance and flirty moments could be on the agenda, with a splash of fun too. A new plan could be set in motion as fresh ideas are introduced and discussed. Take it easy with the fly by the seat of you pants way to undertake your project, as this energy isn’t favourable for taking impulsive risks. Remember slow and steady wins the race to get you to the finish line. The goals that you are so passionate about, especially those that are linked to your long term plans that you envision for your future, is supported by the Universe. Make time to connect with like-minded people and welcome conversations that see ideas flow. Seek connection with people who uplift and remind you how to nurture yourself to bring out the best in you. Your innovative and resourceful nature inspires others, the same as their creativity and unique character inspires you.
Use Mookaite to strengthen the immune system, can help with mental clarity and focus, decision-making, and protection. Help with stress, anxiety, emotional stability, and life purpose.

A special connection could be felt between you and another
Family and loved ones are on top of your list right now, as is your home life and where you feel most relaxed. You could be travelling at a distance to spend time with family or with those who feel like family. Maybe someone special could be arriving to enjoy a small gathering with you, or a spare of the moment trip arises to attend a get-together. This could be with someone who you class as your best buddy or your team mate. A new emotion between you both could be initiated. After time spent together talking, a special spark in your connection could be felt. Being comfortable in a safe and secure environment is important to you, as is the ambiance and atmosphere that surrounds, which thankfully overrides any nerves that you may have had. What has transpired in your past can be released now and offers a reawakening in the present day. This inspires you with a sense of hope for your future.
Use Rose Quartz for all kinds of love, romantic, self, friendship, any type. It can help restore trust and harmony. Expand your social circle by attracting who you need in life.