Your Weekly Horoscope Reading
15th July - 21st July

A new venture inspires and clears old paradigms
Your motivation will be sky rocketing as you begin to see some pretty exciting changes and breakthroughs occur in your business ventures. Are you ready to seize an opportunity and go for gold? You now realise what it is that holds you back, it’s those limiting ways plus limiting thoughts and now you are ready dispose of them all. You may even be brave enough to step out of your comfort zone into a new avenue of learning. People could be viewing you differently these days and you are ready to step into a new career or undertaking a new goal. You have put in the hard work needed, to achieve the desired results and it’s all manifesting exactly how you had hoped. You are seeking change because as you look to the past, you recognize that it is time to release emotions connected to a time gone by. Open up to a new path that is unfolding for you, you have the power to be able to balance it all, just remind yourself that you can have it all if you really want it.
Use Lepidolite to balance the mind and spirit, from negative effects of stress and anxiety. Helps to focus on solutions so you can address the source of your stress rather than letting it take over.

Before you put your thoughts into action consider the outcome
When life throws you a curve ball see how you can work with it and hit it out of the park. Make the most of a surprise that comes your way because you’ll take on a new perspective and outlook. Flexibility will be your friend as you to bend with the developments occurring, you may also take some calculated risks. Being authentic is important to you and you could be changing up your wardrobe or how you express yourself. There will be a consideration of your relationships and a change up to how you’ve always done it. A compromise may be needed to align yourself with a more balanced view point to do with a theme connected to your money. Investing and saving for a rainy day is very important to you right now, as is your career aspirations, long-term goals, and responsibilities that can affect your security and stability. Remember that there is always enough so avoid becoming too attached to the material and monetary aspects of life, instead discover the side of you that loves to enjoy adventure.
Use Pink Amethyst to stimulate loving thoughts. It can help strengthen bonds and relationships, heal broken hearts, and protect from negative energy.

Change your point of view for a more peaceful life
Change is in the mix and you’ll need to be decisive. This could stir up your subconscious desires and uncertainties attached to them. Tap into your personal attributes and strong points that you haven’t utilised for a while, you can also find a deeper spiritual understanding of yourself and situations. If you begin to feel slightly restless and your energy feels a bit over the top then your self-care will need to be looked at. Be sure to stay on top of your health routines too. Sit back and take time out to relax, listen to topics that peak your interest and help you find clarity within. Staying composed and level-headed will be handy at this point in time, you’ll want to avoid disagreements that could rear their head. Unexpressed resentments or frustrations can change your outlook so approach carefully how you deal with situations that are connected to the shared resources with others. Do what you can to remain calm as a conversation about finances is on the cards. You’ll be pleased to know that this energy, can assist in removing karmic and material debt, and healing patterns connected with trauma bonding.
Use Smokey Quartz to help to release overwhelming feelings and overcome the past and start a new healthy journey. It can shield against psychic attack and emotional and environmental stress.

Retreat to transmute and recharge for empowerment
Exciting connections and innovating opportunities are highlighted for you right now, invigorating your energy and adding to the fire in your belly as you are determined to break free from old patterns and embrace new ways of interacting with others. With all this excitement around, be sure to not scatter your energy as this can lead to burnout. Instead find the time to retreat and recharge, allowing you to reflect on the past and release hidden fears. Creative ventures could be on your mind and may necessitate some alone time for deep thought. Gain clarity and inner strength that is needed to turn veiled worries into feeling a sense of empowerment. Relationships and partnerships with love, friendships or work will improve finding understanding, transparency and resolve. There's a possibility of feeling heightened emotions and revelations about close relationships, and all these emotions bubbling to the surface. Reach out to someone who can assist you to understand and help to provide the insight and understanding of what you are feeling. This can be very transformative for you and you can finally release what isn’t serving your highest good.
Use Unakite to negate EMF, will also help to overcome insomnia, this stone can facilitate rebirth and assist in past life healing it can strengthen your psychic vision as well.

The rebel in you is up for the challenge
Shifts are happening in unions, with surprising and unexpected twists and turns. Changes and modifications are happening yet there is a sense of excitement as this revolutionary transformation occurs. You know what needs to be done so assume the position of responsibility. You are well suited to lead an empire due to your lively nature and assertive leadership qualities. A collaboration in a new projects connected to your work environment is needing your initiative and spirit. You will relish in this involvement although be mindful of issues or concerns that are coming from those around you who are struggling with the changes and who also want to take the lead. With your daring & go getter attitude, you are breaking free from previous confines. You could be also be breaking down outdated customs or feel the need to stand up against power and authority. Trust that you can overcome challenges that come your way and believe that everything is sent to test your determination and courage. Whatever life is directing at you just know that you will come out stronger than ever before.
Use Amazonite for positive energies to flow with your career or life path. It assists with loving communication and soothing vibes that remove negative energy, irritability, or energy blocks.

Embrace new circumstances to seek out new experiences
Get ready to learn something new or participate in expeditions and travel. Cultural experiences could be intriguing and could lead to you writing or educating yourself about laws and different beliefs. In a nut shell, get ready to broaden your horizons and have your mind improved with a new appreciation for an alternate life that spells ‘freedom’. Situations have come to pass, bringing an awareness and asking you to be prepared in advance with tactical moves and trust in your intuition. Your motivation and energy will be at an all time high and you are ready to step forward with grand ideas and visions of success. Share your wisdom and knowledge, brainstorm with others in a group setting. Your proactive nature attracts opportunities and will see you and your goals flourish. A certain clarity and realization offers your relationships to grow deeper, becoming more authentic in your connections. Be aware if your body begins to respond to triggers of self-doubt, worry or fear. Relax, change can bring nervous tension as you step in to the unknown. You are a unique soul, so celebrate all that you are and bask in the joy around.
Use Selenite to cleanse and charge your crystals and dispelling all negativity from your body and environment. bringing a sense of calm, mental clarity, and positive energy.

A disclosure brings powerful transformation
You are viewing some full on transformations right now, in others and in yourself. Possibly even in the environments around you too. Truths are being exposed that bring clarity to otherwise hidden issues, causing fear and insecurities. What you and others share with each other in the realm of money, finances and resources could be the topic of conversation. It could also be the cause of pressures that comes with the muddled energy of not knowing what is ahead. There is a necessity to ground yourself, stand out on the grass and sit for some time to connect. Heal with the forces of Mother Earth. Once you do this and begin to do it more often, you will be able to recommence the projects that require structure and order in the practical sense. At the end of the day, it’s all about getting your own emotions regulated to regain a sense of stability. Look after yourself and keep striving for the long term goals that you need your hands-on approach and a well-thought-out tactical plan to bring it all to fruition. Home improvement projects are on the agenda with lasting changes that will improve your overall security and well-being.
Use Chrysoprase to attract good fortune and prosperity. It can help to foster forgiveness with love. It will help with self-love to become more courageous to be able to express yourself fully.

Innovation and flexibility is necessary for positive growth
It’s all taking a turn for the best and in an unexpected direction this week! This sees you with a new found energy as you welcome in the complete transformation that is happening, especially in the relationship department. Now this could be to do with your group environment or you could be feeling this from a personal point in a one to one connection, it could even be both and all around you. Anyway expect a sudden surprise in this area of your life. This unpredictable energy invites you to embrace the need to become more flexible, adaptable and open to the changes at hand. When you adjust yourself to the status quo and extend your belief system realising that you must focus on your ability to go with the flow and experience a massive breakthrough in the form of growth and positive energy. Solutions will come easily to problems that are niggling at you. If you normally are prone to being a little impulsive in reacting, then now is the moment to try sidestep any issues or disagreements that crop up.
Use Azurite for psychic development and spiritual enlightenment. Clears long standing blocks in honest communication and stimulates memory. Clears stress, worry, grief and sadness.

Good luck for your new adventure
Your life advancement is happening now and it is in the area of your own or others health and safety in your work place and environment. You are being put in the spotlight to see how you can best be of service to others. You’ll be focused on certain habits and the energies at play. This could be bringing things into perspective where you realise that things have to change because doing things the way they’ve always been done, just doesn’t cut it any more. Let people know what you expect and what you need from them and go for your goals with all the passion and determination you’ve you can find in back pack. You are although advised to keep in mind to take it easy and avoid reckless decision making. Be very strategic when it comes to your partnerships and with contracts presented to you. You can do anything you put your mind to, so stay optimistic and attract the positive vibes to take you in to a period of good luck and successful ventures. If it all gets too much and you begin to feel overloaded, take a moment to enjoy the meaningful moments that mean the most to you.
Use Hematite for courage, strength, endurance and vitality. It’s great for concentration, focus and memory. Absorbs negative energy and calms in times of stress and worry.

Join forces and introduce a new plan of action
If bold was a name well then it would be yours because you’ll be pleased to know that one of your bold and risky ideas is panning out for you. This could be a shock for you to say the least, that it all worked out better than you had even hoped. It will be an unexpected surprise that’s for sure and you’ll be feeling pretty darn excited now. You’ll be multitasking and feeling way more productive, energetic and engaged in projects and with others. You’ll be basking in the connections around you. You will be able to juggle all your responsibilities with ease and initiate to put new plans in place. You have been so disciplined and ambitious thus far and it is most certainly paying off. You are now witnessing in your reality and discovering within, that you have so much to offer and on a grand scale. You know who you are now and you recognise that you have absolutely made progress. This new sense of self has you reminding yourself that you should be as proud as punch of your personal and professional growth.
Use Sodalite as it frees you from limitations and creates a space for something new and exciting. Encouraging honest communication and assists with discipline, efficiency and organisation skills

Make decisions from an emotionally balanced place
It’s important for you to know that a surprising energy may catch you off guard this week. Aim to remain as positive as you can and make important decisions with a clear mind, from an emotionally balanced perspective. There may be an unstable feeling within the home that causes you to feel a tad emotional. As a person who prefers to disengage from confrontational situations you will want to run a mile from conflicting concerns and unwelcomed disruptions that could be coming from a family unit. You do prefer a more playful energy around you, where your creative talents are stimulated with an energised energy that motivates you to produce the goods. You enjoy working from a place of inspiration. Sudden insights play a major role in finding your voice. You will need your communication to on point and you will want to shout it out to everyone. This could be in the written word or via social media. You could be quite entertaining for some too, as you speak from the heart and with the intellectual banter you enjoy. Your tasks could be piling up so take it easy on yourself, prioritize activities that you're passionate about, but stay focused.
Use Aragonite Sputnik to promote inner-balance, mental clarity, and transformation. Can help one to make a changes in life by assisting with confidence, self-healing, and personal betterment.

Everything happens exactly as it should, something better awaits
Go with the flow if you can, take it all in your stride and aim to be adaptable as you can when plans shift, change, twist and turn suddenly. This could bring quite the surprise, don’t worry though because this is only the energy right now. You know that everything is always temporary and sometimes things don’t always turn out how you had hoped. Try not to get upset, the Universe has something bigger and better on order for you anyway. Your home life or where you spend most of your time could be changing and radiating quite an upbeat energy, you really will be enjoying this vibe. You’ll be busy organising your areas and connecting with those you truly care for, knowing that these are definitely your people. Be mindful to be as clear as you can, when distributing vital information, make sure you communicate in the most effective way that you can. This energy could also bring possible friction or struggle due to misunderstandings or impatience. This is not your first rodeo, you know what you are doing, in the end you’ll be pleased with the successful outcomes.
Use Bismuth when overwhelmed with responsibilities as it can increase your energy levels to deal with them. Relieves feelings of loneliness or isolation. Helpful in group and relationship dynamics.