Your Weekly Horoscope Reading
1st July - 7th July

Create a homely space that provides a retreat that resembles you
Notice when you are pottering around cleaning and decluttering, your mind just flows along and sometimes the best ideas come to pass, be sure to write them down. The inner knowing’s delivered directly from your guides will be helpful with the goals you’ve been wanting to attain. Another thing you may notice, your emotional wellbeing needs tending to. Just like a garden, every now and then the weeds need pulling up, otherwise they can over take what you are hoping to cultivate. Just like when you dwell on the past or continue with harmful patterns, your mind and even your life can become disrupted with negativity. Unfortunately this hinders the chance for a peaceful, happy life. Instead, nurture yourself and start with your home space. Home projects that are taking place can help shift your space into a habitat that resembles more of who you are. This way you can truly enjoy it. Make it a place where you can retreat into your own energy and recharge your batteries.
Use Black Obsidian, excellent for dispelling negative energies and removing limitations. It also encourages your spiritual evolution and individuality.

Communicate openly to promote better bonds
Take charge of what you can in family, home and group situations. Dispel anything that has been murky in nature and open up a channel to be able talk freely and openly between all. While you are there, share ideas together and concentrate on what can be changed within the household to make it more inviting and even more cosy. Work on providing an atmosphere that feels friendly, loving, fun and uplifting. This is the time where you can make strong bonds with the people who surround you. New ways to communicate will be highlighted, be sure to express yourself in a manner that brings about abundant connections and loving unions. Tap into to your growth mindset, focus on new ideas and projects. The game can change in an instant with this new mindset so maybe you’ll be implementing some new tactics. There could be a lot of information being thrown around and there could be a lot to take in, rather than getting overwhelmed with the details, put on your ‘I can do it’ hat and get started. You can navigate as you go and nut it out as best as you can.
Use Carnelian for high vibe energy of vitality, motivation, leadership and creativity. This stone is a powerful protector and promotes positive life choices. Great for attracting prosperity and good luck.

This could be the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for
There is a new beginning ahead for you to do with your income and making more money. Are you currently happy where you are working? Is your chosen career providing you with the appreciation you need, to be able to do this line of work every day? You could be asking yourself these questions or somebody else is asking you. Do what brings you the most joy and consider what really fulfils you. Learning something new enhances your skillset and in turn helps you to gain confidence to reach your goals with the chance to expand your pay packet. How you work your business or current project could be changing, this could be the big step forward you’ve been hoping for. You’ll be thrilled for the new developments that occur from here. Tip of the day, conversations should be two sided where both people get a chance to express themselves. Be sure to listen as much as you talk, staying broad minded is a bonus because the topic of conversation could get a bit deeper or even quite out there. The fun banter between you and others, in person or online has a playful quality, even a bit on the flirty side. So ENJOY!
Use Green Aventurine as a stone of opportunity as it can help with manifesting prosperity and abundance. Excellent for luck and boosting your chance to land a job or even get that date.

Speak to the right people at the right time for magic to happen
Give it your all and nurture the areas in which you want to see long term developments. Upgrade your knowledge and expand your educational and spiritual practices. This will encourage personal growth and allow for potential prospects, as well as increasing possibilities for your future expansion. Unravel yourself from limiting thought patterns and alter your belief systems, especially if it’s held you back. Take note of the signs and synchronicities that appear, the mysteries of life are being uncovered they are providing you with significant messages from your guides. Speaking to the right person at the right time will be like a magic wand being waved over your head. All of a sudden an opportunity with your name on it appears and doors of prosperity open up. Identify your worth and value then you can enhance your cash flow. With an improved financial strategy you can make moves to generate a sense of stability. Fresh starts are always exciting, make it your mission to give it your all, be inspired and radiate with passion. The next level entices you to be more visionary and see’s you step up to full capacity.
Use Citrine to teach you how to manifest and attract wealth, success and all good things. Removes destructive tendencies. It encourages self-expression brings enjoyment of new experiences.

Transparency in relationships is always a green flag
When it comes to alliances, what is the number one trait needed to be able to fly the green flag? Trust and transparency of course! Something comes to your attention that has you feeling slightly emotional, this is due to questions about uncertainties with connections that you have with certain people that you deemed worthy of partnership. These could be people who you are in union with in financial matters, or who you have joined up with, on something of value. You’ll be needing to reassess some relationships, examining if this group or association is who you wish to remain with. If trust issues have been a concern, then you’ll need to re-evaluate and come to be a little more discerning. Healing discrepancies, clearing the air and speaking from the heart to dissipate misunderstandings to find closure will be in order. Finally, you’ll be able to clear up what has had you reeling around in your mind with un-resolve. A tactful approach is necessary, how you express yourself makes all the difference, so be brave and maintain confidence. Don’t worry, you have the gift of the gab, use your charm and more people will flock to you like moths to a flame.
Use Howlite to strengthen positive traits, unblocks truths to life issues, promotes calm communication, helps to remove unwanted negative behaviour. Unburdens an over active mind.

Hold space with unconditional positive regard
What you thought was the way in certain relationships may not actually be. This could have you contemplating how relationships should be and compared to how they actually are. Embrace a deeper part of you in an intimate, down to earth conversation. Your private life that no one else should be privy to unless you invite them to share that part of you with them, may be the topic of conversation. Be discerning about who you trust and divulge your inner most fears and secrets with. Emotions come to the surface for either yourself, or someone else, causing an adverse reaction. Communicate with pure intentions and hold space with a listening ear. Your social circle is up for expansion and renewal, stepping out into the community and involving yourself more with supportive people who are an inspiration to you. This is a group of like-minded folks who make it their mission to uplift others and encourage positive alliance. Maintain thriving relationships with honesty and nurture your connections from a place of unconditional positive regard. Truthfulness is encouraged, especially in emotionally charged situations, focus less on drama and create a sense of peace in all settings.
Use Rose Quartz for all kinds of love, romantic, self, friendship, any type. It can help restore trust and harmony. Expand your social circle by attracting who you need in life.

Seeds are planted, now go make the most of it
Keep an eye on your habits and consider how you can organise your time better. What you do in your daily schedule needs to be reviewed. Beware of over doing it if you can, balance out your days with some beneficial practices that help to calm your spirit and nervous system. Think about what sets off your creative spark and gets your imagination racing? When you let your mind wander as you tap into your visionary gifts, allow that pioneering and imaginative side of you take over. Your long term goals could be on your mind and seeds are being planted now for the future. Set yourself up to begin a new project. It’s possible there is a step up the ladder in a workplace or you could also be enjoying more time with your family, friends and those who you enjoy. Make the most of it! For many, it is important how we are being seen in this world and how other perceive us. Many don’t care what others think of them but it would do you good to pay attention how you come across at times. As they say how you make others feel will be your lasting legacy when you leave this world.
Use Kyanite for developing intuition. Enhances communication and deflects unwanted thoughts balancing the nervous system. Helps to manifest new opportunities and possibilities through action.

Your skillset is expanding and opportunities for expansion arrive
You may want to escape and let your inner child take the reins, let your imagination run wild as you draw on your artistic talents and allow passion and pleasure to invoke and inspire you. Life can twist and turn and you could come back down to earth with a thud. Challenges crop up and a clear and concise conversation straight from the heart is in order. Misinterpretation of ones actions will need to be straightened out. Accountability is being asked and an invitation to take on more responsibility is requested. Freedom is what you desire, to travel the lands and delve into your spiritual or innovative practices. Although the responsibility of a venture or project brings an offer for you to integrate your services. This is going to be a learning curve, your horizons are most definitely expanding, more than likely in your career. If you are not working, you will be feeling more ambitious as you gain more drive to succeed. The Universe will match your beautiful energy as you grow. Opportunities and breakthroughs are on the way, you’ve been hoping to expand your experiences, don’t worry they will certainly show up for you.
Use Rainbow Fluorite for stable and harmonious energy. It supports spirituality and helps one to focus and concentrate. It can also assist in being more flexible and aids in self-sufficiency.

Spend some time getting to know and love yourself
Anything of the past that has had you stuck in limbo or feeling like there is knot in your tummy every time you think about it, is ready to be healed. Feel justified in receiving your karmic rewards of spiritual maturity and personal growth. You are being set free with new awareness and clarity. All of a sudden your mind is going full force and you are ready to pursue your most adventurous dreams, the ideas are rolling in and once again you are inspired. What a blessing this feels like for you, you haven’t felt like this for ages. Although, as you know, life has a way of moving with the tides and you may want to retreat like a hermit crab or spend time with those who you love dearly. Remember we must be our own best friend first and foremost. Enjoy spending time with yourself, love your own company and get to know what you really enjoy doing when you aren’t distracted by others or the outside world. Write your thoughts down and see what comes through. Internal wisdom could offer some advice on what you need to do for the long term. Don’t sabotage yourself by thinking negatively, you are a resilient soul, tackle challenges head on, in an empowered manner.
Use Angelite for peace, union and connection with others but also for connection with your spirit guides. You can be guided on your spiritual path with a calm and soothing energy all over.

Just sit with this energy for a moment
How we communicate with others can make or break connections. How others perceive you is based on their own perceptions and comprehension abilities or it’s how you’ve communicated your point. Misunderstandings may arise, but you are being offered a chance to explain yourself and express what you really meant to say all along. This discussion could shift the atmosphere around you, a feeling of love and consideration could renew relationships that now are based on a foundation that is nurturing and strengthening bonds, consisting of empathy and understanding. At times, through our life we need to look at different aspects and work on them to better ourselves. At the present time, how you relate in relationships will be the one thing that needs your focus. If emotions come to the surface as you sense clarity of what has occurred in either the recent past or the longer term past, then just sit with those feelings. You will step through this portal unscathed and you will emerge through, shining like a diamond attracting new people and new opportunities into your world.
Use Rainbow Hematite for balancing out the negative thoughts or darker heart moments helps you out of situations in which you feel stuck. Great grounding stone for empaths and deep thinkers.

Clear up misconceptions by communicating
Something is changing and it could be a welcomed change. The focus is on the value you bring to the table, which could in turn allow for more opportunities for financial growth, your assets can increase too. Do you know what you want for the future when it come to your finances and career aspirations? How far do you want to go? Are you in alignment with what you value most? These questions will be part of a conversation that motivates you. You’ll be wondering what your next move should be, especially when it comes to the acquisition of material possessions. Speak from the heart and express exactly what you expect. Clear up misconceptions and take note of the specifications required. Cover every topic. Say what’s on your mind with self-assurance, people are willing to listen to what you have to say. One other thing to reflect on, how about considering a more holistic regime when it comes to your well- being and health. Habits need reviewing and some possibly need to be removed altogether. Your wellbeing matters, honour that body and mind so your spirit can vibrate as high as you can, to be the very best version of yourself.
Use Sodalite to help to soothe and calm and put you at ease. Strengthens self-expression and tap into intuition. Speak from the heart being authentically you. Great for self-discipline and efficiency.

You emerge from a time of reflection with stronger unions
Your soul is asking you to really tap in right now and learn more about yourself. Ponder and examine how experiences have shown up in your world. You are receiving premonitions, your dreams may all of a sudden begin to come true, you could be receiving guidance from your spirit team on how to tackle what has been thrown your way. A time of introspection and seeing things from a spiritually developed point of view rather than from the logical sense, uncovers hidden truths that bring awareness in all avenues. What you choose to do with this new found information and clarity from here on in will assist you in ways of personal development and individual evolution. You may begin to express yourself differently from your usual way, a more playful you could want to emerge. This new approach lightens the energy allowing for stronger bonds to be created in connections with family, friends and love prospects. Learning to love yourself more and nurturing your inner child offers you a chance to allow for you to engage with others and yourself in a more gregarious way. Get excited, new activities bring people together, join in so you can all laugh and play and get creative together.
Use Unakite to negate EMF, will also help to overcome insomnia, this stone can facilitate rebirth and assist in past life healing, it can strengthen your psychic vision as well.