Your Weekly Horoscope Reading
22nd July - 28th July

Doing what you’ve always done gives you what you’ve always got
You’ve been working hard on a goal and with an expectation of it manifesting, yet a realization has occurred in recent times and now you are seeking change. Take your first step in the direction you want to go because you are ready to take a risk and leave something else behind. Well-meaning people could be offering advice but that advice doesn’t sit well you, you sense their own bias could be in the mix. You feel like you can only trust yourself but recently you have even questioned your own guidance. Confusion is leading from this and a realisation of doing what you’ve always done, will always give you, what you’ve always got. Mutual benefit is expected and you could be choosing to do your own thing, someone else may not like this and could speak of removing assistance when you stop doing things their way. You want to grow and expand and you know a decision is looming. A past situation comes back and you realise the significance, this could be the catalyst to break away from people who you feel contained by.
Use Indian Agate manifest your ideas into reality by raising your mental attitude. Release old emotions to produce a positive outlook. Considered a stone of luck but also a stone of protection.

You are the leader of your own destination
Something is in the midst of being planned, conversations lead to a decision being made. Maybe you are afraid to make a decision and it feels like an opportunity for a new direction is slipping away. You see potential, yet you anticipate the future through the lens of the past or from a feeling of resentment, fear or mistrust that resides deeper down. Someone else could be showing signs of envy of a new direction that you are taking, don’t allow yourself to feel ruled by someone else’s path. Remind yourself who is in control of you, who has the power over you and who is the leader of your destination. Healthy boundaries are on your mind and this may be with those in a place of authority, or your generational family unit. Be proud of your heritage as you are being reminded of a time gone by where tradition had its place in your life. Reclaim your firm emotional footing, find your inner strength and nurture yourself. Your organizational skills are on point as is your self-leadership qualities, tie up any loose ends, and make adjustments where necessary.
Use Lotus Jasper for grounding your energy to feel a sense of stability aiding in emotional comfort and security bringing strength and healing and a level of wholeness within.

When you realise what needs to change it will all make sense
A shake up of the old or a change in the wind brings to pass emotions left buried. This could be to do with shared money and inheritances or just merely letting go and healing long held sufferings that have been a burden. This shift exposes a new way of thinking with a realization of how relationships have been handled or considered up until now. You have learned that things could have been different but now with an awareness of why they had to end and why they couldn’t work out. From here on in, the people who you select to become part of your world, you will choose carefully. A new portal is open for you to step into, so reach for the stars, your destiny and purpose is calling you. Chase those dreams with confidence, as this is where your success comes from. Start with self-care and break away from those inhibiting habits. Get busy, declutter your home and bring your home environment back to a place that represents peace, calm and order. Be open to changing, you do have the ability to do things differently, which in turn will allow a flow of new energy.
Use Blue Apatite for a feeling of joy and happiness especially after a feeling of emotional stress as it helps to raise your frequency and calm the mind. It also assists with creativity and imagination.

Clarity and a resolution closes a door and you’ll be free
With hope, it will all make sense after this period. Relationships that once had you baffled will now offer clarity and you’ll be able to close that door on the worries or confusion once and for all. It won’t go without feeling the emotions of release though, it just goes with the territory. A commitment you make to yourself and to others, will see you through to the end, you’ll be taking this very seriously. Conversations can be revealing, although you’ll be pleased that you had this talk, clarity can set you free. You’ll experience a boost in your self-esteem and confidence, with a knowing of who you are and a recognition of your own values and principles. You won’t be afraid to promote your awareness and knowledge as you teach what you know and assert yourself with self-assurance. Shine your light and display what you can do, you’ll be making some bold money moves with investments and make some significant alterations in your health regime. With a sense of security and stability, your self-worth rises from deep within now you can show who you really are.
Use Rainbow Hematite for balancing out the negative thoughts or darker heart moments helps you out of situations in which you feel stuck. Great grounding stone for empaths and deep thinkers.

Stepping into leadership and prioritizing #1
When so much is happening and it’s time to get the hard yards done, there’s a tendency to forget about the necessary self-care required to remain in optimum health with oneself. Be reminded that taking good care of yourself allows a flow of abundance and can move in ways that are more than connected to just money. Think of the recognition and the spotlight that shines upon you, offering you the opportunity to feel a bold confidence not felt in a while. Efficiency is called for, as is putting in and maintaining consistent effort. Focus on your responsibilities because discipline is required to bring structure to a practical area of your environment. The way you’ve always done something will need to be done differently from here on in, some habits need to go. Tap into your leadership abilities and proclaim yourself as the one who is responsible. Getting your affairs in order and making sure you get your fair share in contracts or agreements will be on your list. Stay humble and don’t let ego or pride get in the way of being a good leader, having power can make or break relationships, so choose wisely.
Use Citrine to teach you how to manifest and attract wealth, success and all good things. Removes destructive tendencies. It encourages self-expression brings enjoyment of new experiences.

A joyful energy that unites in a relaxed atmosphere.
How lovely it is to finally be able to express yourself without fear or doubt! All of those defeating thoughts that have held you back for far too long is well and truly being released. Children will be important to you or a childlike approach is enticing you to have fun as you entertain in the most playful of ways, using your imagination for creative activities. Those who you spend your time with and who you really care for may extend into a deeper connection, more joy may be felt in general. Isn’t it a wonderful blessing to be able to delight in just celebrating life and enjoying being your unique self! Everything will start to make more sense and you’ll begin to feel like you know something like the back of your hand, thus making whatever you put your mind to easier than it has been in past times. If you find that your energy levels drop, then take the time out that you need to rest and relax. What about heading to a getaway for your alone tine to recharge your batteries, maybe a retreat for some time of renewal, in a place that helps you to come back to your calm.
Use Chrysoprase to attract good fortune and prosperity. It can help to foster forgiveness with love. It will assist with self-love, to become more courageous, to be able to express yourself fully.

Express yourself in a way that lights up yourself and those around you
Lasting changes to do with your security, wellbeing and visions for the future are in focus, this could be in areas where structure and order is needed. Your emotional foundation is feeling more stable these days and you can finally see the long term goals connected with home improvements that are actually able to be manifested. Share what brings you joy and speak of what lights you up on a soul level, it might be a worthwhile cause or what you dream to achieve. In a group setting when you talk of your passions notice the smile on your face and on the faces of those around you. A potential business partner could show up or, an old friend may suddenly call or turn up at your door. You may have been like a hermit in recent times but now you are happy to be in the spotlight again. Turn your attention to becoming aware of subconscious habits and thought patterns that diminish the sparkle in you. If you find you are being a little picky with others consider the root cause of this influence. Have you tried writing down your thoughts for better clarity and understanding? This may be helpful for you at this time.
Use Selenite to cleanse and charge your crystals and dispel all negativity from your body and environment, helping to bring a sense of calm, mental clarity, and positive energy.

The upheaval was actually a gift
If you have been feeling alone and issues of being looked over or left behind has reared its head in the past, know that this energy upheaval and change was actually a gift. It’s a redirection for something bigger that feels so different. A relationship around you is also expanding and changing up. Release and heal emotional wounds that has held you back so this new beginning can come in for you. It will feel balanced, loyal and reliable, there’ll be reciprocity and peace with a light hearted joyful energy. You are done with what undermines your self-confidence, you are recognising the red flags as you heal a broken heart. Someone feels lucky to have you and also sees your potential, they want to move forward with you. This energy emphasizes the need for discipline in making solid plans and articulating your ideas while making strategic decisions. Don't miss a chance to improve your line of business or goals, it’s your time to shine. Take pride in your talents and skills because you are being recognized. Your self-confidence will soar and your magnetism helps you to make a lasting impression on the people that matter.
Use Amethyst for peace and harmony, great in children’s bedrooms to alleviate fears. Balance overwhelmed energy connected with a heavy workload to restore stressed energy after a busy day.

Reciprocation and fairness is needed for success
A need for stability in your life has shown cause to readdress your finances and your relationships. Take a look at what is currently stable in your world and keep focusing on your long-term endeavours and investments. Be mindful of wanting instant gratification though as it can often sway one from concentrating on the bigger picture ahead. Giving to others is something you love, yet there is a realisation that giving to someone constantly feels out of balance. Instead, you are now asking for reciprocation, this concern could be to do with your financial sector as over helping someone has possibly drained you. A conversation and honesty is needed for success and fairness. An elimination of the old ways of doing something allows for new collaborations. Transformative energy helps to birth a new stable life with stable relationships. News you've been waiting for, or a go ahead on an approval, offers opportunities for significant financial growth with increased prosperity. These changes offer adventure, wealth and abundance, as you move forward and discover something new that expands your reach for greater heights.
Use Pink Amethyst to stimulate loving thoughts. It can help strengthen bonds and relationships, heal broken hearts, and protect from negative energy.

A stagnant situation comes to a halt with a decision on the horizon
You are questioning your sense of self and your identity, you are thinking deeply about who you are and what you want. This profound self-discovery offers consequential transformation to face your fears. You know it’s time to let it all go, a situation or relationship ended for you, and something that felt like a continuous cycle had to end. Maybe you are finishing up with someone who outstayed their welcome in your life, maybe you could have needed time to yourself and someone was bothered by this request. The need for personal boundaries is standing out to be looked at. Someone from the past could come back and be of assistance to help with decisions for your future. This is a decision for which path forward will you go? One could bring money the other brings fun and joy. Stay open to ideas, be flexible and definitely avoid stubborn energy. All you know is that you are ready to change from stagnancy to revel in a life that includes expansive opportunities with excitement, as you engage in deep conversations with those who also desire to learn, explore and reach for a life that resembles your own dreams and hopes.
Use Hematite for courage, strength, endurance and vitality. It’s great for concentration, focus and memory. Absorbs negative energy and calms in times of stress and worry.

Getting back to your roots brings a choice to the fore
Getting back to your roots and making time to connect with your family may be important to you. What is the legacy you wish to leave in your personal and professional endeavours? This could also be in connection with the legacy that you leave in your family line. You maybe also asking yourself if your values are in line with the traditions of the generations before you. It is possible that an increase in your responsibilities and a sense of duty and obligation could be felt. Your long term goals are on your mind and questions may arise either from another about what you envision for your future. How do you intend to go about creating a more stable foundation as well as honouring your past ancestral heritage? Does this align with your own principles and lifelong aspirations of your own? The big question is, can you endure the test of time? You’ll be thinking long and hard about what you really want and as you get down to the nitty gritty, you’ll uncover hidden truths buried deep within. This then sees you taking action on opportunities with a sense of purpose and could reignite the spark you once had to contribute in a positive way.
Use Caribbean Calcite frees your mental energy and clears toxic and negative blockages. Helps with high vibrational energies to enhance child-like qualities for fun and harmony to flow freely.

Past life karma plays a part and heals a confusion
Past life issues or memories are brought to your attention this week. The disillusionment of past contracts could be illuminated. A message received through a reading, meditation session or conversation shocks you and has you re-evaluating connections. Be mindful of the people who you surround yourself with and pay attention to any realizations about those who influences your path. To say the least, you’ll be choosing only those who align with your goals. You are now living life differently and changing up a life path that felt somewhat out of balance. You could also be choosing to lead from your heart from here on in. This opens up a chance for you to begin to manifest from a new place and embrace creativity from a whole new level. Collaborations and new beginnings are happening for you, and you couldn’t be more pleased. You are stepping into your calling and possibly teaching or learning something new. You will completing projects and the results are successful! A big congratulations is in order and public recognition comes your way. An offer that you are not expecting comes to you via an indirect manner, you’ll be wise to go for it.
Use Ammonite to symbolise change and positive motion. It draws in negative energy and releases fresh and positive energy. It helps stimulate your life force and enhances creative abilities.