Your Weekly Horoscope Reading
24th June - 30th June

Building again from scratch, after a tower moment
Get ready for an alteration or modification that changes the future course going forward. It will be much easier at this time to just release all that you are ready to rid yourself of. If you look back at what has occurred or what has been experienced already, you will become aware of what has been bubbling away under the surface. Opportunities to achieve a goal that you've been hard at work on will manifest due to the culmination of all that you have devised before now. Someone is ready to leave an old version of themselves behind, could this be you? Authority figures could be in the spot light or you could be stepping up your game to be a voice of authority. Verified information could come to hand or documents could be needed to be filled out too. It may all feel like deja vu when you revisit a situation or place. You are being encouraged to stop doing something you've always done, your main thoughts should be to let go, move on and rebuild from scratch.
Use Garnet for negative energy that may be limiting. Gain self-confidence and promote a positive outlook. Helps rid behaviour patterns that are no longer serving your needs.

You’ll be pleased with the overall outcome
Have you considered breath work exercises? Maybe delving into practices that involve techniques that aim to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. There could be different types of modalities that you would like to try that can help with tension, distressing and self-development too. This could be of interest for you, so get in there and explore. So much information will come from this new line of work or past time that you are undergoing, you’ll feel pretty chuffed with yourself too. There’s nothing like feeling on top of the world when something unfolds and resolves in the best kind of way, now you can realign your energies and get back into the full swing of things again. Anything you start now will certainly light up a path forward. When you look back, there will be footsteps left as a reminder of a positive echo that you’ve had on so many great moments. Keep looking forward though because you are a leader in your own right and you have been able to lead others to come along for the ride and join you on a new adventure.
Use Chiastolite for problem-solving, creativity, and practicality. Helps to balance emotions and dispel negativity. It is protective and grounds spiritual energy. Assists spiritual growth and transformation.

Ambitious goals call for reliability and discipline
You could find yourself with the earnest desire for succeeding in the most triumphant of ways. Are you willing to strive for the attainment of the success you desire? You will need all the discipline you can summon, that’s if you want to see your long term goals materialise. Focus on your responsibilities with an ambitious motivation to do well. Tap into that drive to get you moving! It’s at your fingertips, all you have to do is reach to full extent and persevere. Do everything as best as you can and give it your all. Avoid taking shortcuts or stepping on others toes to get your desires met. It’s all about you integrity and intentions, so do everything from the right place for the best results. They say to work smart, not hard but in this instance it’s all about the effort and action that you are willing to put in, to achieve what you want. There are no silver platter handouts, it’s all on you. Show the universe that you are willing to do the hard yards to win the prize.
Use Pyrite to generate the power within to create wealth and abundance. Ideas will flow to take action and gain a sense of vitality and confidence to tap into your abilities and greatest potential.

You have to have faith to calm the storm!
Your inner warrior is being signalled to take the lead for this part of your journey. This is the chapter that needs that aspect of yourself that embodies strength, courage, and resilience. Confronting as it is when you are being pushed to step into this character and overcome obstacles. It’s all just part of life’s trials and tribulations but you realise that this is advancing you in the realm of self-mastery. Your inner warrior can help you to be shielded from pessimism and help you stand up and stand your ground. Have the courage of your convictions, especially in spite of disapproval. Be as brave as you can be and calm any emotional storms that have been brewing. It’s a good thing that you believe in a higher power than what you see in front of you. This will be the guiding lantern that leads you in a direction that seems to be shadowed in the unknown. A prerequisite of personal growth moments is to have faith that your guides have your back. Release the need to control the narrative, take a breather from steering the reins, sit back for a bit and see what transpires from here.
Use African Bloodstone it is said that this magic stone is considered to inspire the energy with courage, good health and a long life. It is protective and wards off negative energy.

Your inner fire is ablaze
Your instincts are in full force and you are being guided by your impulses at present. A certain theme has been ongoing for you and you are not 100% sure of what is ahead. It’s like you are in a room with your arms outstretched as you feel your way in the dark, sensing your way forward, although not sure where it’s taking you. Stop for a moment and recalibrate, reignite that fire in your belly and experience the passion of inspiration to fire up your hunger. Refocus your intentions with a guided light and take big bold steps ahead with faith and set forth towards a different lifestyle as you manifest your main goals and dreams. You could be feeling that the steps forward you have made already, haven’t made an ounce of difference but it has. You could feel like you haven’t done enough but you have. You want to make progress but something seems to be holding you back, stay positive. Even though you aren’t exactly where you want to be right now, you need to remember that every little thing you do counts, be persistent because it all adds up.
Use Black Tourmaline to transform negative energy into positive, aids with clarity to clearly help to respond to difficult situations better to change the outcome.

Who and what brings a smile to your face
As they say smile well and often, it makes people wonder what you’ve been up to. Not only that, it can shift your mood and change up the trajectory of your day. So if you are feeling not at your 100% capacity then force a smile and fake it till you make it. A well timed smile also allows an opportunity for the lucky recipients to return and mirror it back to you. Cultivate a feeling of friendliness in your relationships. Connections with others should be effortless, although you could be reassessing some relationships this week. You are curious as to what drives and motivates people to take certain actions. Questioning one’s self is always a good thing too, so ask yourself what motivates you to do what you do as well. While in reflection, contemplate what you need, in order to fill your cup? Ask yourself, which relationships fill your cup? Is there something in your life that has the tendency to drain your cup? Basically in a nutshell, your mindset and you overall outlook on relationships and how you choose to live, is in for a major overhaul. Which is a good thing!
Use Golden Mica for meditation, the calming effects makes chaotic places more serene. Improves your outlook, attitude and motivation, it helps encourage you to take back control of your own life.

Who is the social butterfly?
What comes around goes around, so be sure to get your vitamins into you and drink plenty of fluids to stay as healthy as you can. Something also seems to finishing up which you are quite pleased for this particular piece of news. Be sure to adhere to your boundaries until you have the all clear. All the good you have put into the cosmos already is coming back to you in the way of new prospects, offers and invitations connected to a special event. This stimulates excitement within and kick starts your creative instinct as your mind begins to tick over planning what you can create and prepare. All of a sudden you are uplifted again and the social butterfly in you has you flittering around. Get ready to join to together to incorporate your beautiful, fun and uplifting energy into the mix. Seductive energy could also be thrown in for good measure, so be sure to dress for the occasion, as all eyes are on you. This attention only adds to your vitality and sky rockets your energy. You’ll be soaking up and relishing in all the good vibes, so make the most of it.
Use Hematite for courage, strength, endurance and vitality. It’s great for concentration, focus and memory. Absorbs negative energy and calms in times of stress and worry.

Passion sets your heart a light
Meeting and mingling brings conversations with intimacy. Well you weren’t quite expecting this were you, you’ll definitely take it though. You’ve been wanting to find a closeness inside a relationship for a while, and now it looks like a spark of interest has tickled your fancy for tantalising to and fro banter. And then all of a sudden a light hearted feeling of togetherness is felt. Stepping out into the night or even out for the day, helps you to feel as though something new has started. Like a new cycle with a fresh sense of freedom, so get ready a new adventure awaits and anything goes. Something exotic captures your eye, possibly a mouth-watering delight! Be brave and give it a go, you may just enjoy the differing flavours from your usual delicacies. In the practical sense and coming back to reality, you’ll have to get down to the brass tacks of life. All in all, take some initiative, let go of anything that is no longer valid or bringing peace. If it’s is past it’s used by date then it has to go. It’s time to finish all that you’ve started and move on to the next best thing.
Use Lepidolite to balance the mind and spirit, from negative effects of stress and anxiety. Helps to focus on solutions so you can address the source of your stress rather than letting it take over.

Like Aretha says R. E. S. P. E. C. T!
Respect for others is taught to us from a young age, yet many of us were not taught to respect our own feelings just the same. Too often we put others on a pedestal who don’t always respect us and don’t appreciate nor return the courtesies that we automatically do for them. Consideration of how you feel comes up as you realise that there are some negative aspects around you. Feeling guilty is a negative emotion that you can take on, remember you don’t owe somebody something just because you put yourself first. If this presents itself, remember that you are a considerate person, you do lead by example and you do treat people the same as you like to be treated. Maybe you are reminding someone else that these qualities are expected. If you say something and it isn’t adhered to, then there could be complications, you will need to clear the air on this ASAP. Your work and home life asks you to take a specific course of action which is required to ensure a well-rounded and even keel that brings balance for all.
Use Black Obsidian as a strong protective stone it works extremely fast and with great power. Draw out mental stress and tension from yourself and your space, stimulates growth on all levels.

It pays to make adjustments for the long term
You’ve been wondering what to do, where you should go and what to experience next. You’ve got plenty of options but sometimes it feels as though not everything is panning out as you had hoped. It’s as though there are hoops to jump or what you thought would go well actually isn’t going as well as you had hoped. You can see the forest for the trees and you know what is on the other side, but what is the block that is causing resistance to moving forward, you ask? There is a notice of opportunity that comes knocking and it doesn’t feel too far away, it’s so close you can taste it. You want something to come about that feels like it could last. The thing is, you know that you need to make necessary adjustments to help you get where you want to be. Trust the guidance provided that you are making the right moves and that change is essential, it will pay off in the long run. Take heed and consider challenges that prompt you to re-examine what you want and what you need to let go of.
Use Red Web Jasper brings emotional healing with peace and strength into your life. Helps you focus on love and relationships as well as maintaining healthy relationships in your life.

Setting the right intentions can bring rewards
People who you spend time with or maybe it’s the people who you choose to not spend your time with, are in focus. You want to go ahead with something but feel like you shouldn’t, as it seems too risky. It feels like all eyes are on you, so be mindful of the moves you make. A completion of something that has been a long time coming could also provide you with clarity. Bringing with it a long time wish of fulfilment in other areas. You are ready to step into your power and you are encouraged to set intentions for what you want to see for the future. An opportunity that was once offered but was missed, comes up for a chance for you to embark on again. Take action towards a goal that has stability written all over it. Although if something doesn’t quite feel right and you just don’t know how to go about dealing with it, know that new territory awaits with an offer for expansion, new awareness of self and a new vision for the future.
Use Desert Rose Selenite for mental clarity and focus, it is excellent to use for self-expression, meditation and manifestation. Cleanse your own aura, other crystals and your environment.

Do what you have to do to get what you want
Being a sensitive soul isn’t always easy but it certainly has its bonuses too. It means you get the heads up before something important takes place. You can also see what others don’t see and from a different perspective. The dreams and messages you receive are aligning you with what you need to do next. Everything that occurs as a consequence of an action offers a message of guidance that indicates whether you are, or if you are not, on the right track. Take a good hard look and see what needs to change but don’t do anything precarious to jump the track. Repeating patterns are standing out for you and the projections and estimated forecast based on the present are being made. Read the fine print of a legislation, lay down some ground rules and make a decision based on legalities and contracts. You know that intelligence is needed in this situation, so it’s a head over heart matter. You also know you have to do what you have to do, even if it means that not everyone is happy.
Use Sardonyx as a stone of protection, justice, strength, and protection. It brings happiness to relationships and promotes integrity.