Your Weekly Horoscope Reading
28th July - 4th August

It’s time to untie yourself from worries and embrace your potential
There is a lot to think about that includes a special consideration in regards to someone’s feelings, maybe yours or maybe someone else’s. You may want to withdraw to nurture yourself and tune in to what matters most to you. What happens from here nudges you to makes decisions to move in directions that offer a chance to focus on uplifting yourself, as you return to positivity and learn a new set of skills. Shift any and all limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, this will change your life! Share your progressive ideas and show confidence in your communication. Seek to continually develop yourself and lean in to view potentials ahead. This ignites a spark for creativity and joy as you sink your teeth into new projects, embrace what revs you up. Let go of insecurities and allow your playful and light-hearted side shine through. A realization pushes you to take a big leap to pursue your happiness, especially now that you are over and done with stagnant energy. Stoke that fire in your belly with everything that invokes the flames of passion within you, it’s all up to if you want true growth and fulfilment in areas that light you up.
Use Carnelian to stay in high vibe energy of vitality. Helping with motivation, leadership and courage. A protector against negativity and can bring a new zest for life attracting prosperity and good luck.

Stepping out of the ‘norm’ could lead to surprises
Surprises happen that can either elate or destabilize your emotional foundations. You’ll be surprised to see that you are one step further ahead in your purpose and in line with your dreams. Have faith in yourself and know that the right and correct path is being taken, be encouraged to let go of worrisome thoughts that just don't serve you. If differences of opinions occur, you might want to break free, yet you are guided to stay the course for now. Something could become uninteresting to you now or you feel bored in the same old routine. Finding yourself in a rut sees you wanting to explore the more unconventional routes and step out of what is classed as the ‘normal’. This could cause some strain in relationships with those who are beneficial to you. Avoid making hasty judgements that could lead to disruptions that could affect you on an emotional level. You may feel the need to retreat into a space of security, safety and harmony to nurture your sensitive emotions. Your aim is to create stronger foundations in your home environment and strengthen the bonds in relationships. Concentrate on uplifting the atmosphere in your home and engage with a feeling of warm interaction as you share your inspirational energy.
Use Red Web Jasper brings emotional healing with peace and strength into your life. Helps you focus on love and relationships as well as maintaining healthy relationships in your life.

Make improvements to allow shifts and for new doors to open
You’ve accomplished a target and you’re proud of yourself! Yet there are still improvements that can be made. Purge out the old energies and focus on the now. Rather than thinking about what has transpired in the past, where a valuable lessons have been learned, be in the present with a new awareness of how to go forward from here. Something hidden could come to light and an outpouring of communication may have you wanting to spills some beans. As you process the information at hand you may see a requirement to make changes in your interactions. Looking at yourself with an open mind, explore the shadow parts of yourself to uncover inner secrets that lead to sudden insights for a better understanding therefore helping you to become a stronger version of yourself. As you learn a new way to communicate and connect with others, the universe supports with opening doors of opportunities and new projects. Your pathway is protected and you are being guided to take the higher ground, take time to journal and unload your worries or begin to write and manifest all your great ideas, maybe it is time to have that important conversation.
Use Peach Moonstone has a protective energy and helps with self-love. Assists to help you try something new and begin to grow more comfortable with yourself.

Ground yourself first then step through the door
For too long you have held on to a thought pattern, way of being, certain people, an unpleasant situation or a place long gone. Now the time has come for you to upgrade your way of thinking and your beliefs to step into your empowerment to finally transform and release what no longer serves you. You know that something big is on the horizon but don’t jump in just yet. Tune in and turn inwards to reset, seek to ground your energy as you contemplate on the quantum leap that is ready to occur for you. Intense energy may stir the pot and you confront a fear head-on. Your values are important and you know what has been holding you back until now, you are finally ready to overcome and move forward. Challenges offer a chance for self-discovery and personal improvements, you step up to the plate and can even monetize your goals with this fresh energy. Your bountiful energy uplifts your sense of self-worth and elevates you to stand strong as you take charge of your destiny and the environment around you. Avoid drama and remain confident, taking risks will benefit you. Trust the universe has your back, remember to only choose what energizes and discard anything that does not.
Use Mookaite to strengthen the immune system, can help with mental clarity and focus, decision-making, and protection. Help with stress, anxiety, emotional stability, and life purpose.

Surprising revelations bring positive outcomes
How you present yourself to others is changing, you could be asked what is important to you, you may need to re-evaluate your priorities and how you go about your day and tasks at hand. Changes are occurring every which way and surprising revelations are coming to the fore. It may all seem like a rollercoaster ride right now, but accepting evolution in your life can accelerate you into a version of yourself that is more authentic. New beginnings are up for the taking with this wave of energy that prompts you to step into what you truly desire and excel in. These new responsibilities will keep you busy with a brand new role or ground breaking project, you radiate and shine as you step up and in to your element. Someone is passing the baton to you and you’ll go for gold. Your sense of self will be boosted as you become aware of who you are and what you are capable of. You’ve made a wish and now it has the ability to all come to fruition. Life can change for you if you want it to, so be sure to accept what is being handed to you on a silver platter.
Use Smokey Quartz to leave the past in the past and move into your brighter future. Absorb and transmute negative energy. Shields against psychic attack and emotional and environmental stress.

Are you ready to put your money where your mouth is?
Your natural instincts take over as you become more busy organising this, that and the other. Your mind and organization abilities are on point, tackling all the tasks at hand. As always, but more so right now, don’t overdo it and don’t burn yourself out. Otherwise you’ll find your mood could take a hit, or your energy could lessen. If you are finding it hard to stay rested in your own mind, balance it up with a nature walk or play out in the yard. Move that body and stretch those muscles that are holding tension. Something is changing in the most unexpected ways, your ambitious nature is always raring to go to achieve your ambitious goals. Are you ready to take a leap of faith and go for the title? What will it take to make your dreams come true and are you ready to actually do what it takes to have it all? Your personal growth is helping to heal and release old baggage. The tides are taking you to places that have the ability to transform you. Your guides are cheering you on from the side lines as you embrace your inner warrior.
Use Kambaba Jasper can remove karmic blockages. Eliminates stress and helps to banish nightmares and harmful thoughts. Good for money flow and prosperity. Excellent in the work place.

A proposal uplifts and inspires your social circles
You now have come to an understanding of the implications of life lessons for yourself and others. Something from the past has come full circle and you’ll be seeing a situation from a whole new perspective. You are now enjoying every day more than you once did and you see that the direction is clear, as you focus on what it is you need to accomplish. Although changes could be a little unsettling with those in a social atmosphere. An evaluation needs to be made on something that no longer fits in with your values and principles. Before making a move, consider the facts in regards to how these changes affect you. You will also be ensuring that others are supportive of your ideas and needs, and have your back. Remain on your own journey that leads you to achieving your purpose, you don’t need any issues cropping up to steer you off path. New transitions bring new friendships that feel true and authentic in nature. Connecting with others who can assist in your ventures is important to you. Take advantage if this wonderful energy that inspires enthusiasm and rejuvenates your social circles with proposals and exciting prospects.
Use Sodalite to help soothe and calm and put you at ease. Strengthens self-expression and tap into intuition. Speak from the heart being authentically you. Great for self-discipline and efficiency.

New ways to communicate
Communicating in a new way is happening and you’ll need to be absolutely spot on in regards to how you get your message across. This could be in a work situation where you are taking the lead and making the effort to set in motion, an event, social situation or business endeavour. You will notice at this time common mistakes could be made, overanalysing small problems from a perfectionist mindset could be the issue. Progress in relationships may be hindered due to this problem, although you are being asked to change it all up and bring your focus back to finding compassion for relationships to continue in a healthy way. Relationships come and go and its all about alignment, don’t be surprised if some alliances are disrupted at this time. As the saying goes when one door shuts another door opens. You’ll be pleased with the breakthroughs and exciting new beginnings on offer as you walk through the open doorways. From here on in, you can take the lead in your trade or in your community. Be all that you can be and don’t dim your shine, step into that spotlight. Your creativity is needed, especially if you are ready to proceed with a new venture, upgrade your career or business ideas.
Use Herkimer Diamond will put you at ease and guide you in the right direction. Keeps negative energies away. Brings balance holistically. Clears blockages to allow positive energies.

Be meticulous with details, cross the T’s and dot the I’s
A significant change is happening bringing unexpected shake-ups. This can occur in areas that are in relation to your day to day, in your work environment or your health regime. Going the extra mile to learn something new or to travel just that little further will be very exciting maybe you’ll be exploring something completely outside of your comfort zone. A turning point or a new path is opening up, offering you an expansion that sees your confidence and personal growth soar. You will feel right at home in this new job, position or new place of residence, so set the right intentions to maintain this up level. You’ll be eager to learn more about what you want to accomplish from here on in. The way you are being seen right now in your career or by those who surround you in a group setting, is in high regard. The spotlight is on you, and you will want to approach everything with diligence and detail. Pay attention to the specific communications as you go about planning and putting your magnificent ideas into action. Be sure to double-check all details and be very precise and clear, in all of your professional dealings.
Use Golden Mica for meditation, the calming effects makes chaotic places more serene. Improves your outlook, attitude and motivation, it helps encourage you to take back control of your own life.

Course corrections lead to rewards down the track
Adjustments need to be made to course correct and this energy right now emphasises the need to focus on your intimate relationships. How things are progressing in this area is on your mind. It’s time for a heart-to-heart with someone special or you’ll be checking in with those that matter, making sure everything is ok. Your softer side is coming out of the closet, you are ready to nurture your emotional connections and open the lines of communication between you. As you begin to open up more, just ensure that personal boundaries are intact as you know, they are important for healthy relationships. If unexpected experiences beckon, get ready to embrace it all and go for it. Although something may feel like a disruption, it actually isn’t. Momentous personal growth and profound understanding can often come from emotional purging, as frustrating as it is. It feels like all you’ve been doing is experiencing transformation after transformation and you are asking the Universe where your treasure trove is. You are seeking to understand your lot in life as you heal old wounds, every situation encountered is a prize in itself, so don’t give up hope, your rewards are waiting for you at the end of that rainbow.
Use Shungite for its grounding and protective properties, shielding one from negative energies, promoting a sense of balance and harmony, helping with spiritual growth and reducing stress.

Keep a watchful eye, something hidden could be uncovered
You may share some wonderful times with someone special and feel as though there is nothing better than a good in depth conversation that allows you to feel heard. The other person feels just as connected to you and listens intently to what you have to say too. It really is magnificent isn’t it! Stimulating topics could even lean into sensual and intimate discussion. It is possible that hidden information comes to the fore when a conversation is had, providing understanding for a situation, that has been deliberately held back from you or another, for fear of retribution. Now this could be to do with your resources and what you have put your valuable time and effort into. You might even find that as you are working, something is uncovered that was once hidden in the shadows. Listen to the concerns of others and speak your own truth. Someone around you could be a bit nitpicky and overanalyse everything. Sudden changes could force you to re-evaluate your priorities, maybe its a better work / personal life balance. New beginnings and fresh energies are being welcomed, it would be good to consider how to connect better with others as well.
Use Angel Hair Rutilated Quartz is ideal for counsellors and healers, protects against psychic attack. Assists in overcoming fears and phobias. It symbolizes unity and transformation.

Relationships keep showing up in the same way………but why?
Congratulations for embracing changes and stepping into your personal power, thus bringing about positive attention when relating and communicating with others. Your words and actions have an impact, especially when interacting with those you see regularly and with whom you collaborate with daily. You may be in the mode of soul searching right now, you have support, you are not alone, be sure to not hide away and isolate, even if you want to. You could be pretty much at your wits end with the current status quo. It seems you give so much, yet you keep experiencing losses. Try to not worry because these supposed shortfalls actually bring better opportunities to move in a new direction, removing you from past mistakes and into a renewed sense of harmony. A spotlight is being shone on a commitment that you can celebrate, that offers enhanced flow in finances as well as better health. Let go of re-occurring patterns in relationships and free yourself from doing everything on your own. A good work life balance unearths the peace that you desire. Be sure to not take everything to heart as you work on the relationships with yourself and others.
Use Chiastolite for problem-solving, creativity, and practicality. Helps to balance emotions and dispel negativity. It is protective and grounds spiritual energy. Assists spiritual growth and transformation.