Your Weekly Horoscope Reading
8th July - 14th July

Peace is something you just can’t put a price tag on
What’s going on internally within your emotional state needs to be understood and then transmuted. Expressing how we feel with others is often beneficial, although if you don’t feel comfortable with that or its not helping to talk with another, maybe it’s time to reach within by writing what is on your mind. It would surprise you at what comes to the surface. Recognise what is causing resistance and take a load off. Instead use your mind to create something of value, not necessarily for financial gain but more for peace and clarity; you can’t put a price tag on that! Commit to plans for the long term, be patient, enjoy the process and stay focused on the end goal. What your heart desires, know that you can achieve it, but you must let go of lack mentality. Be aware of going after something on a whim, you may be wanting to gather up all the treasures on offer. Best be sure to take off the rose-coloured glasses though, because what you thought was going to be all shiny and amazing may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Therefore be mindful and very deliberate in your approach.
Use Serpentine It is thought to assist to soothe the emotional body, and releases fear of change and hardship. As such, it is thought to help us to look to the future with a positive outlook.

News of an offer and a promise of new beginnings
The energy could be feeling somewhat unpredictable this week. This could be in the love department or with the people around you, which keeps you on your toes! It’s possible you are wishing to create more of an impact in your immediate surrounds, so continue to remain hopeful. Stay positive there are potential prospects ahead, take inspired action to make your wishes come true. A loss rocked your emotional foundation, a door has closed now possibly in the areas of family and home or with those who you view as your tribe. You need not worry, all is ok, change is continuous and it makes the world go around. Nothing should ever remain stagnant, allow a new welcomed energy to approach. Fabulous beginnings unfold with news of an offer. You’ll see vibrant yet cosy improvements happening all around; in your home space or in the space which you spend the most of your time. Take the bull by the horns and step up to challenges, go towards your target and tackle issues head on. Be the leader you were meant to be, this can alleviate troubles from brewing down the track. Stability in the finance department is being asked of you so stay cautious and within your budget.
Use Red Web Jasper brings emotional healing with peace and strength into your life. Helps you focus on love and relationships as well as maintaining healthy relationships in your life.

Your initiative and robust energy is welcomed
If you’ve been wondering what is ahead you’ll be pleased as punch to find out that opportunities to step into a new community awaits you. New friendships, fun socialising teamwork and celebration of wins abound. You’ll be so thrilled that you took some time rest up because with this good news comes a feeling of enthusiasm and renewed hope for much better times ahead. Your optimism and robust energy will be muchly needed as the launch of something that resembles a creative venture is showing up. It’s probable that you are being ask to get ready to step into a new beginning that welcomes your initiative and original ideas. In the meantime, go and enjoy yourself seek the sights, enjoy the time to travel, experience a lovely outing, even if it’s only in your nearby vicinity. Always be mindful of staying at your optimal health by exercising as regularly as you can, maybe the gym is calling your name or a long walk in nature to calm any nervous tension that has a tendency to crop up. Reading something that calms your mind will be nice, try writing down your thoughts for what you hope to see for your future as well. Get ready for exciting times ahead!
Use Turquoise to assist in grounding your energy, protects against negativity, promotes fortune and hope. Opens your mind to the possibilities for new things and the unknown.

Prosperity and gratification is amplified
Things are coming to fruition and your hard work is paying off, thanks to your passion and inspiration. Keep on growing in your personal attributes, you are gestating new beginnings. An idea or goal is taking shape and the visualizations, you are manifesting is taking you to the next level. On your mark, get ready to go with a decisive mind as things are getting hotter. Finances are on the up and up and something of value adds a touch of extravagance and luxury to your life. All of a sudden life is feeling pretty darn good. You are truly appreciating the finer things in life as you are recognizing your worth and value. You are making good financial decisions, and enjoying the material comforts. Your ability to attract financial wealth, assets and profitable opportunities is amplified. Bask in this stage of prosperity and gratification! It’s your own energy that has manifested this. When it comes to your circle of friends things could change, new friends could arrive that opens up your community with a fresh vibe. Enjoy the feelings of these new energies, they were sent to show you how to incorporate fun and frivolity and make time together feel like a celebration.
Use Citrine to teach you how to manifest and attract wealth, success and all good things. Removes destructive tendencies. It encourages self-expression brings enjoyment of new experiences.

Your charismatic energy attracts positive attention
Your resilience has paid off, although it hasn’t been easy. You are now ready to take things to the next level. This could be to do with all things love, your love of self and your confidence encompasses you. This confidence brings out the beauty that you behold, exuding from you like a ray of golden alluring sunshine. Your shine and optimism becomes a magnet attracting positive attention, you are admired and people enjoy your charismatic energy. Romance or new budding relationships are beginning to feel pretty special. A spot of passion could be sprinkled into the mixture as things heat up, indulge your senses with something just a little bit naughty. Your interactions are infused with just a touch of the theatrical, sounds like a lot of fun doesn’t it! Desire and pleasure could be something that takes your body and mind to a whole other place. Whether you are single or coupled, delight in the more spicy areas of life. This in itself helps you to open up to manifesting more of the things that are to be truly enjoyed, use this time as an opportunity to bathe in a luxurious bath, pamper yourself with scents and self-care practices. Surround yourself with elegance and savour the goodness that life has to offer.
Use Rose Quartz for all kinds of love, romantic, self, friendship, any type. It can help restore trust and harmony. Expand your social circle by attracting who you need in life.

Build a bond with yourself that is unbreakable
There is nothing more wonderful than experiencing peaceful relationships, where individuals nurture caring connections between them. Finding harmony and a compatibility in a union encourages each other to grow and thrive in a positive direction, is what you are looking for. To love another wholeheartedly you will find it comes much easier if you love yourself unconditionally first. Follow spiritual practices that raise the peace in your heart. Nurture your inner child within, that cries for love, attention and unconditional acceptance. Build a bond with yourself that is so loving, caring and unbreakable, you will then find that the relationships around you follow suit. Your dreams will be offering you some insightful guidance with messages of what’s is going on around you. Note that your dreams are messages from your guides, you can always trust the information that you receive. Your intuition knows best and will guide you in the right direction. Things could be changing around you at a fast pace. How about jumping in the car, boat or plane, and explore. Travel to places you’ve never been, expand your knowledge and broaden your reach in locations that fascinate you to discover more.
Use Orange Calcite a happy stone that assists with feelings of belonging in the world and making connections with others. Helps to remove certain blockages and energizes one’s life force.

Everyone can shine in their own right
If your wish fulfilment is connected with your social circles lighting up, well you’ll be in for quite the treat with this vibrant energy that surrounds you. Have fun and be excited for collaborations with new and old friendships. Join in with group activities that are uplifting for your soul. There is a sense of optimism as you attend dynamic get-togethers and join exciting ventures that resemble an atmosphere of celebration. Your partnerships could help bring out the creative and energetic side of you. Get ready to shine in more ways than you thought. This enticing energy is full of passion and could even see you having a little cheeky fun behind closed doors..wink wink! Will you or won’t you take up the opportunities on offer for courtship and attraction? As enthusiasm abounds a bold and leading energy could become apparent. Become an inspiration and offer others to take the reins too. Give your blessings in a space where everyone is heard and seen, allowing each one to shine in their own right. Remember that communication goes both ways, listen with acknowledgement. Share your wisdom with others as they too are willing to impart their knowledge in a reciprocal tête-à -tête.
Use Sunstone for bringing passion, excitement and uplift. It shines a light on opportunities for happiness. Can help you to feel a sense of abundance in your life.

Ambition + warm engagement = overall success
Not only are you being noticed for your charming nature and practical abilities, you are also showing that you are a responsible and dedicated person who takes the tasks at hand very seriously. Your hard work is paying off! Your career, ambitions, and long-term goals are being highlighted, your public image is truly something to be admired, your uniqueness and magnetism borders on captivating. Pay special attention to the recognition from your work buddy’s and from those in management. It is noticeable that you take pride in your accomplishments and you pursue your goals with gusto. People in authority or those who make the decisions can be beneficial with your group interests and networking opportunities. If you think that all of these positive accolades is slightly overboard just wait to see that the promotion says it all too. Maybe it is the validation when you receive the good news about a new job. It’s a big yes and that’s all that matters. The fact that you are multi-dimensional and can balance an ambitious drive with empathy for others, is a big plus in the eyes of those who matter.
Use Chrysoprase to attract good fortune and prosperity. It can help to foster forgiveness with love. It will help with self love to become more courageous to be able to express yourself fully.

The opportunities you’ve waited for are accessible now
You have to believe it! You have to believe that you can! You haven’t come this far to doubt yourself so be sure to say no to self-sabotaging habits. If you find that you are participating in self-defeating thoughts take note and be mindful of these behaviours or mindsets that crop up, will interfere directly with your goals to succeed. Instead stay strong, take special care of yourself and have love and compassion for the one who is YOU. When you do you will see you never had to worry because a pretty wonderful surprising breakthrough arrives. Now this could be in the form of an opportunity that you have been waiting ever so patiently to access. You can rekindle that optimism again and your good luck is starting to roll in which feels like a true blessing of sorts. The feelings of love and union, possibly even a marriage between two parties either in a loving connection or in a long term collaboration that calls for a joint effort to work together in happiness will come together this week. Team work with the openness of working together toward a mutual goal in a committed and ongoing union is needed.
Use Amethyst as it is calming and great for meditation, use for protection from negative energies and enhance your spiritual awareness. Helps with setting realistic goals and feeling more motivated.

Taboo topics and financial matters are on your mind
Being just a little bit naughty can be bit of harmless fun. Well to some anyway! To others talking of all things intimate belongs in the taboo pile, or something of the secretive nature about a relationship could also be on the lips and tongues, just waiting to be spat out. An idea is in the pipeline on how you can incorporate something that really stands out, this idea could really get the tongues wagging. Relationships mean almost everything to most humans, even the relationship with one’s self. It’s part of the human condition since birth to want to feel loved, this can often be expressed by physical intimacy, let’s face it, since the dawn of time humans, were created from a place of physical touch. On your mind this week is can you make a stronger connection with someone special, beyond the pleasure of the body. A conversation with someone who you care for deeply, maybe thinking of taking the relationship from behind closed doors and into everyday life. Even including the responsibilities of the financial kind. Enhancing your stability is important to you and this discussion to share the load is stepping you into a whole new territory together.
Use Red Tiger’s Eye is a stone of passion and increases desire. Helps with creative projects to increase motivation to be proactive. It helps to gain clarity and change your perspective.

A leadership role sees you shining bright with confidence
If you love them let them know, show you care with a meaningful gift or grand gesture. Shout it from the roof tops even! A rejuvenation in a relationship means the world to you and it’s important that the person or people in your life, know they are appreciated. Maybe it is you who is the centre of someone’s world, and it’s you who will be showered with praise and affection. It’s possible a new person could be entering the scene, maybe in a business environment. Be sure to take full advantage of valuable opportunities presented in order to achieve full potential. It’s time for you to believe in yourself and recognize your own valuable skills too. You are growing in confidence and possibly will be asked to perform duties outside of your comfort zone. This is a lucrative time for being all that you can be. There is no one holding you back, so step into the best version of you. You are the inspiration! Step up to the plate and give it all you’ve got. Karma is on your side showing you, that you deserve to shine bright and gain the success that has been locked behind closed doors for far too long.
Use Green Aventurine as a stone of opportunity as it can help with manifesting prosperity and abundance. Excellent for luck and boosting your chance to land a job or even get that date.

Enthusiasm and passion takes centre stage
You are finding that there is a sense of stability being felt in either work or home that is also combined with secure relationships. Valuable news is coming towards you, helping you to be reassured that it’s all working out. You’ll be nicely surprised to say the least, it’s like an unexpected package that arrives, and when you unwrap, it’s way better than you thought. A situation manifested in a way that you didn’t expect, but you are pleased with the results. The spotlight is on you and circumstances are asking you to make improvements to yourself, your environment and the atmosphere around you. Everything we do is all connected to our wellbeing, especially from an energetic stand point. Taking a stand to do what is healthy for the wellbeing of all encourages an enthusiastic energy into the mix. Consider you own health regime too, are you taking the care needed to make sure you are up to par and running as well as you could be? Who we are on the inside reflects into our outside world, use this energy to transform your environments to mirror the new and improved you.
Use Caribbean Calcite to free your mental energy and clearing negative blockages. Enhances child-like qualities of fun and joy for harmony to flow freely on your highest vibrational path.