Your Weekly Horoscope Reading
10th March - 16th March

March 21 - April 19
Things aren't happening as fast as you’d like so patience will not be easy to find. When you’re faced with obstacles in your path, especially those beyond your control, you want to barge through them and throw caution to the wind in your pursuit for progress. You need to temper your impulsivity this week. Rather than letting situations get the best of you and making a mess of things focus on what’s within your reach right now. Trying to change things out of your control will only end up frustrating you so taking a step back to reassess might be a better choice.
The situations you encounter this week will require a delicate balance between being confident and flexible. Your enthusiasm and passion are some of your greatest strengths, but when you’re caught up in the heat of the moment you have a tendency to railroad conversations. It’s important to ensure others feel heard. Balancing your speaking and listening will be more of a task than usual but the effort will be worth it. Sometimes a detour can lead to an even better destination than you’d had planned so trust your instincts, embrace new connections, and let things unfold in their own time.
Red Jasper – Red Jasper encourages patience and resilience, helping you stay grounded when obstacles arise. It supports confidence and clear communication, ensuring you assert yourself without pushing too hard.

April 20 - May 20
Overthinking is going to lead you in circles this week if you're not careful. It’s so easy to get caught up in your head overanalyzing the same things over and over again. It’s time to take a step back and accept that you can’t know everything. Stressing over unknowns won’t change anything. Instead of worrying about what might happen, focus on what you can control and work from there. You’ll find it easier to calm down when you focus on the things that you can control rather than frantically grasping at things beyond your reach. Once you have a handle on the things you do control you’ll see that everything else will fall into place.
This week it’ll be a good time to find what makes you happy and spend some time doing it. You’re naturally creative so it might be worth branching out into a new medium or starting up a new project. You’ll also fund a lot of value in conversations you have with others this week. When you’re feeling lighter after doing the things you love you’ll have more mental space for personal growth too. If something feels like it’s holding you back, consider whether it’s worth your energy. Let go of any unnecessary pressure and make space for what matters. You’ll find that once you stop trying to force things into place, they naturally align in a way that works.
Lepidolite – Lepidolite soothes overthinking and encourages emotional balance, making it easier to release stress and trust in the timing of life. It helps with decision-making and letting go of unnecessary worries.

May 21 - June 20
A situation will come to a head this week, most likely in your personal/home life. You might feel torn between your responsibilities and your freedom, making it difficult to decide where to put your focus. While it’s tempting to try and juggle everything at once, take a moment to take a step back and get your priorities in order. There’s no need to rush. If things sre meant to be, they’ll be. Let yourself consider the possibilities properly before committing to a course of action.
Communication will play a major roll in your week, and your ability to express yourself will be stronger than usual. Whether it’s through writing, speaking, or creative pursuits, sharing your thoughts will lead to some exciting opportunities. Just be mindful of how you phrase things… misunderstandings could arise if emotions are running high and things are said rashly.Â
Blue Lace Agate – Blue Lace Agate enhances communication and self-expression, making it easier to navigate complex conversations. It also brings a sense of calm, preventing misunderstandings when emotions run high.

June 21 - July 22
Some new information that surfaces this week is going to give you a clearer picture of the road that lies ahead. You might find yourself unexpectedly drawn into discussions about future plans. Be they your own, or someone else’s. While this could align with your own goals, there may also be complications that aren’t immediately obvious, before committing to anything, consider how additional responsibilities could impact your freedom. Finding a balance between pursuing your goals and your responsibilities will be the key.
Taking time for self-care and reflection will be vital this week. Your emotions naturally run deep and this week they’re going to be pushed to the limit. The best way to keep your cool will be to take some time every day to relax and recuperate your lost energy. When you’re feeling stretched too thin, don’t hesitate to set boundaries. It can be difficult in the moment but you’ll thank yourself in the long run. Your energy is precious so protecting your peace should be a priority.
Selenite – Selenite clears mental fog and promotes emotional clarity, supporting your ability to process new information and set healthy boundaries. It helps you stay aligned with your personal goals.

July 23 - August 22
Your finances will take centre stage this week, especially when it comes to shared responsibilities and any agreements you have with others. It may shortly come to your attention that someone is withholding some very important information from you, this revelation could leave you feeling uncertain about where things are headed in the future. While it’s tempting to push for answers, it might be wiser to focus on what you can control. Pushing for answers could cause conflict and it’s never a good idea to start fights with someone you have money tied up with. Remember that being responsible with your own resources will give you a stronger foundation, no matter what unfolds.
Confidence and self-expression will come more naturally to you than usual this week. Your natural charisma will make it easier to make connections with others, but be mindful of how your energy is received. Not everyone will be on the same page, and clashing perspectives could create tension. If a disagreement arises, take a step back before reacting. A little patience will go a long way in ensuring everything goes smoothly.
Tiger’s Eye – Tiger’s Eye boosts confidence and self-assurance, making it the perfect companion for navigating financial concerns and social interactions. It encourages patience and helps you see situations from all angles.New growth can only come about once you let go of old habits.

August 23 - September 22
Personal priorities and self-discovery are going to be the focus of your week. The universe is sending you signs so it could be time to turn inward to reflect and reevaluate your priorities. You might have the chance to enact a change that’s been on your mind if you've been waiting for the right moment to do so. If you’re unsure on how to proceed, look for assistance from the people around you, you may be surprised by how motivated you can be thanks to support from your loved ones.
 Have faith that going forward is the right thing to do even if it’s scary. A shift in routine, perspective, or your relationships is a big thing. Don't rush if you're still unsure; sometimes the answers will come to you gradually over time, you just need to remember not to be scared. It will be easier to face the future with confidence the more you accept that you cant change the unknown.
Amazonite – Amazonite promotes self-discovery and balance, helping you reassess priorities and move forward with clarity. It also encourages open and honest communication in your relationships.

September 23 - October 22
Your interactions with other people may feel unpredictable this week, leaving you unsure of where you stand. Even if nothing is said out loud, you'll be able to sense that something is being omitted, or someone's hiding their expectations. Instead of guessing, focus on your own priorities. If a situation isn’t working for you, don’t be afraid to establish boundaries. Maintaining balance in your life is essential, and that means ensuring your needs are met before anyone else's.
Now is the moment to take charge of your life and let go of things that no longer benefit you. While things around you may feel chaotic, your ability to remain composed will keep you grounded. Lean into your natural sense of harmony to help you overcome any obstacles that appear in your path. By trusting yourself, you’ll be able to handle whatever comes your way.
Garnet – Garnet brings emotional strength and courage, helping you establish boundaries and focus on your own needs. It encourages self-empowerment and balance in your interactions with others.

October 23 - November 21
Situations involving your friends, colleagues, or family will become clearer this week. You might notice someone stirring the pot, making waves in ways that could impact you. Be mindful of where you offer your support, since aligning yourself in the wrong way in a situation could disrupt the delicate balance you’ve been maintaining. Some details may still not be fixed, so keep an open mind while also remaining cautious.
Your passions and relationships are going to be at the forefront of your mind this week, encouraging you to reassess what drives you. If something no longer feels aligned with your values, it may be time to step back. On the other hand, deepening your commitment to what genuinely excites you can bring rewarding results! Just make sure to let yourself rest when you need to, burnout won’t serve your long-term goals.
Hematite – Hematite provides grounding and protection, keeping you steady when social dynamics feel uncertain. It helps you stay focused on what truly matters while shielding you from negativity.

November 22 - December 21
An opportunity for more responsibility may come your way this week, bringing with it the potential for recognition. If you’re looking for stability in your future, take advantage of this time to build a more solid foundation for your life. Even though your adventurous heart may crave change, having a clear structure to build upon can provide the security you need to unwind and explore different avenues. Having a safe and stable base of operations will allow you to make the most of your adventures.
This week you should embrace the unknown and be open to where life takes you. Things may seem random at a first glance but the universe has a plan even if you can’t see it. You’ll be feeling drawn to socialise this week because the connections you've built up have the ability to lead you towards an exciting new path, so don’t be afraid to step outside your typical comfort zone. Even if things don’t go exactly as you’d planned, trust that something even better might be unfolding just around the corner.Â
Sunstone – Sunstone enhances motivation and joy, inspiring you to embrace new opportunities with optimism. It helps balance responsibility with adventure, ensuring you stay excited about the future.

December 22 - January 19
Clarity is on the horizon regarding something that’s been bugging you for a while. The knowledge you’ve gathered over time is starting to weave together and the larger picture is starting to be revealed. This can help you to see things from a new perspective and give you a new way to assess the situation. While some details may not be what you expected, this newfound awareness of them will help you make more informed choices moving forward. Right now, observation is key. Actions can come later.
Personal growth and learning will be big themes in the week ahead. You’ll be entering a period of exploration, wanting to step beyond your usual comfort zone and explore. If an opportunity that will help you achieve your long-term goals presents itself, consider taking it. Growth and progress often requires taking a leap into the unknown, but you can trust that you have the wisdom and intuition to navigate wherever you end up.
Howlite – Howlite encourages patience and perspective, helping you process new insights without feeling overwhelmed. It supports wisdom and thoughtful decision-making, allowing you to take confident next steps.

January 20 - February 18
Your commitments (particularly financial ones) may feel overwhelming this week. When life is busy, it's easy to get caught up with what’s happening right now rather than planning ahead, this is especially true if the expectations on you haven't been clearly laid out. You’re struggling more than usual at this time because of how much someone in your life is leaning on you. This has been increasing in recent weeks continuously, so it will be essential to set boundaries now to proceed. Ensuring your own well-being and stability should be your priority, even if it means saying no to someone.
Reflection and self-care will be especially helpful for you this week. Some emotional ups and downs are on their way and this will help you navigate them more. If you find yourself overwhelmed or more sensitive than usual, snapping at things that aren’t actually important, it’s probably your subconscious telling you it’s time to take a step back and chill out. You need space to breathe and think to properly process your thoughts. This week you should make time to release some things that have been weighing on your mind. Prioritise what matters to you, rather than trying to please everyone else.
Reflection and self-care will be beneficial this week. If emotions feel heightened, take a step back to regain clarity. Let go of anything weighing you down and prioritise what truly matters.
Smoky Quartz – Smoky Quartz offers stability and grounding, especially when dealing with financial or emotional pressures. It clears negativity and helps you set firm boundaries to protect your well-being.

February 19 - March 20
Someone’s expectations of you which you weren’t fully aware of will soon become very clear. This sudden change in attitude could come across as overly mean or overly critical. It’s super important that you keep a cool head and assess the situation properly, rather than taking it personally. You have a valuable opportunity at hand to open up a conversation here and use it to find out how you can grow. No one likes to admit that they’re wrong but differences in perspective don’t have to create conflict. With the right mindset, they can lead to a deeper understanding.
Creativity and self-expression sre going to come naturally to you this week. Any art block you’ve been struggling to overcome is now starting to reverse itself and instead, this week, you’ll be able to find clarity through your art. Whether painting, drawing, or sculpting, you’ll find that having an outlet for your thoughts and emotions will help bring the clarity you’ve been looking for. Things will soon start working themselves out. You just need to take a step back from the action, and trust your intuition to flow with whatever comes your way.
Aquamarine – Aquamarine enhances emotional clarity and open communication, supporting you in handling criticism or differing perspectives. It promotes self-expression while keeping you in tune with your intuition.