Your Weekly Horoscope Reading
24th March - 30th March

March 21 - April 19
You’ll need to do some reflecting this week as a situation that was causing you trouble last year is rearing its head again. You’ll notice how you and your situation have changed will impact the way you go about navigating your way forward. A path you thought you were firmly set on may not be the one you want to take now. Don’t pressure yourself into rushing to a conclusion, allow yourself the time you need to properly think over your next move.Â
Your ambitions will be taking the reigns of your direction for the next few weeks. It’s time to cut free the weights holding you back and see how far you can go if you set your mind to it. Your destination may not be the one you thought it would be and there’s nothing wrong with that. Things will work out in their own ways so long as your trust both the universe and yourself.
Red Jasper – Red Jasper enhances determination and resilience, helping you navigate shifting ambitions with confidence. It grounds your energy and encourages patience as you reassess your direction.

April 20 - May 20
A shift in point of view may have you second-guessing yourself this week. It could be time to revisit the plans you’ve made in the past to see how you can get back on track with things. It might seem like an overwhelming amount of work at first but remember that there’s no pressure for everything to be done right now. You can take your time and enjoy the scenery as you make your way back to where you feel you ought to be.
You’re feeling called towards learning lately and this is something you should lean into. Learning new skills or refining the ones you already have will lead to some exciting opportunities in the future and there’s no better time to do the learning than now. While you have some spare time you should make the most of it by doing things you’ve been meaning to do but keep putting off. There’s no time like the present when it comes to expanding your knowledge.
Sodalite – Sodalite sharpens intuition and logical thinking, making it the perfect stone for refining plans and embracing new perspectives. It supports learning and deep reflection.

May 21 - June 20
A new opportunity is just around the corner and it’s going to give you a glimpse into a future that really resonates with you. Your heart is urging you to drop everything in pursuit of this dream but your head is reminding you of all the responsibilities and obligations you have. This isn’t a time to act rashly in either direction. To make the appropriate decision you’ll need to give yourself some time and space to really think things through. Examine every angle and account for even the smallest thing, you need to be diligent when you’re making big decisions or you may end up kicking your past self in the future. You’ll find your path no matter which route you take but caution is still advised.
You’ll benefit greatly from putting some long term plans in place this week as things are likely to get hectic in the future. Having something prepared and already in place will take a huge weight off your shoulders in times of stress and you’ll be thanking yourself for doing so. If you’re not sure what to do starting small is the best way to go, even something as small as putting aside $5 a week for unexpected future expenses or getting yourself into better sleeping habits will pay off in the future. You’re capable of handling whatever the universe throws at you, but it’s nice to make things easier on yourself too!
Tiger’s Eye – Tiger’s Eye enhances decision-making and long-term vision, helping you weigh your options carefully. It encourages confidence and practicality in pursuing new opportunities.

June 21 - July 22
Relationships are not a stagnant force. Wherever there are people involved things will always be changing. While this is usually a good thing it can also turn things sour as well. If you’re counting on someone to do something important this week make sure you have a backup plan just in case. Other peoples priorities are always changing and you don't want an unexpected event in someone elses life throwing yours off course! Better to prepared unnecessarily than to be left scrambling if things go awry.
Your relationships may have been taking a back seat in your life lately and this is a good week to change that! If you’re feeling out of whack start by checking in with your friends. You always feel better after socialising with your friends and by neglecting to do so lately your mood may have been dropping even without your realising it. Life is busy, yes, but this week you need to make an effort to make some time to focus on things that bring your whole self fulfillment.Â
Howlite – Howlite promotes patience and emotional awareness, helping you navigate shifting relationships with clarity and calm. It encourages meaningful connections while supporting inner peace and balance.

July 23 - August 22
A long-term plan or partnership may suddenly feel less set in stone than it used to, leaving you wondering where you really stand. If someone’s actions or words seem unclear,it’s understandable that you’d be feeling nervous and unsure about it but you should avoid jumping straight to conclusions. Rather than having something to do with you, the cause of this uncertainty is likely something that’s happening within their own lives. Giving things time to settle will bring you the clarity you need to navigate the way forward.
Health, work, and your relationships are all demand attention this week, making difficult for you to manage and balance things. it’s important to prioritise your well-being. Trying to do and takeon too much at once is going to lead straight to burnout so be mindful of your limits. Small adjustments and changes to your routine will make a big difference, and you’ll notice this in how you feel (both physically and emotionally) in no time.Â
Sunstone – Sunstone boosts vitality and positivity, helping you manage life’s competing demands while avoiding burnout. It supports self-care and confidence in uncertain situations.

August 23 - September 22
Someone from your past may re-appear this week, dredging up unresolved conflicts. Dont let yourself get caught up in your emotions and lose sight of everything else. Things have changed since you last met and acknowledging this can help you to move forward without unnecessary stress and drama. There may be a reason things are popping up again, but without a cool head and open communication, it will be impossible to understand the other person’s intentions.Â
Creativity and self-expression will bring you the mental boost you need this week. The universe is encouraging you to embrace what makes you feel inspired and let it take you wherever inspiration leads. Be it in the form of a hobby, passion project, or even a new opportunity you’re eager to explore whatever creative endevors you put your mind to this week will open doors for you in the future. Now is the time to reconnect with what brings you joy. By following what feels right you’ll naturally move towards where you’re meant to go.Â
Amazonite – Amazonite promotes open communication and inner peace, making it easier to process past conflicts with a calm and level-headed approach. It encourages self-expression and creativity.

September 23 - October 22
Something you started but lost track of or considered getting into towards the beginning of the year could present itself again, offering a second chance to get things right. This could be something as simple as a craft project, or something more demanding like changing your habits. While life is busy and pulling you in many directions it’s no reason to give up on the things you want to do. Don’t let things that wont matter in the long run distract you from what’s important to you.
Balancing your work or academic life and your relationships may feel like a challenge this week, especially if both seem like they’re requiring more attention than usual. If things are feeling overwhelming and you’re not sure what to do, remember that you don’t have to do everything alone. Leaning on the people who love and support you can help things to feel more manageable. Even if they can’t ease your workload the reminder that they’re there for you can help you find your feet as you move forward.
Lepidolite – Lepidolite eases stress and promotes balance, helping you juggle multiple responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed. It supports emotional clarity and self-care.

October 23 - November 21
Your priorities have slowly been shifting and you’re just now seeing how they’ve changed. The re-emmergence of something that used to feel like it was one of your top priorities won’t hold the same weight it used to. Conversely, you may find yourself emotionally involved in something you didn’t think actually mattered that much. Change is natural and as your grow it’s natural that your priorities will change. There’s no need for you to cling to past things that you no longer want or need in your life. Focusing on what you want for the future will be a better way to use that mental energy.
You have a valuable chance to deepen your connection with the people around you this week. A recent shift in energy has helped to strengthen the bonds you share with others. Paying attention to the details in things others say can help show genuine care and help create meaningful and long lasting friendships. It’s ok to be nervous about putting yourself out there, everyone does. But by taking the leap and doing so you’ll have the chance to experience amazing things.
Rhodonite – Rhodonite strengthens relationships and encourages deep, meaningful connections. It helps you embrace change while staying true to your evolving priorities.

November 22 - December 21
You’ve set yourself up with a strong foundation, now you have to put it to use. Your past work and planning has played off and you’re in (or about to be in) a position you’ve been hoping for. Now that things are falling into place it would be easy to get complacent and stop pushing yourself, but it’s important that you continue to put effort into getting where you want to be. Things take time to stabilize and if you let things go now and they deteriorate you’ll be kicking yourself in the future. If you keep working hard your efforts will pay off.
Rather than being frustrated when things don’t go according to plan try to reframe things as an opportunity. While you may not have wanted to do something initially, if you apply yourself to it with your whole heart you may be surprised with what you discover. This week could offer you a chance to connect with yourself on a deeper level and help you get in touch with and understand your feelings.
Garnet – Garnet enhances motivation and perseverance, reminding you to continue striving for long-term success. It encourages passion, energy, and a strong sense of purpose.

December 22 - January 19
An unexpected conversation could leave you questioning whether you can trust and rely on the people around you. While this may pan out to be an overreaction on your part you shouldnt dismiss the chance (however slim) that you’ve just gotten a glimpse at someone’s true colours. It can be hard to understand people's motives at times as it’s impossible to peer into their heads and read their thoughts. Take this opportunity to look at things with a clear head but don’t go making rash decisions.Â
If you’re faced with any major decisions this week make sure you don’t rush things. Details are likely to slip through the cracks this week so double checking everything is a must. If possible, leave any important decisions for a future date, but if time is a limiting factor it will be helpful to get other people’s opinions on what steps to take. Getting a second opinion will help you ground your decision and determine which option will serve you best.Â
Obsidian – Obsidian provides protection and insight, helping you see through deception and make well-grounded decisions. It offers clarity in uncertain situations.

January 20 - February 18
An old idea or plan you never got off the ground could feel tempting to revisit, especially if you’re feeling like you have a better grip on the topic now. However, before jumping all-in, you’ll need to double check that you’re seeing things clearly and not looking at these potential ventures through rose tinted glasses. If your plans involve money, it’s especially important that you take a measured approach and show caution before throwing yourself at it. It’s better to be a little bit slower but stable than to quickly end up in a predicament due to a lack of foresight.
You’ve been reflecting on the path you want to take in the future and now it’s time to look at the destination. It’s easy to get caught up in finding the best way from A to B but it’s also important that you keep an eye on where Z is. The journey is important, yes, but the destination is too. Don’t get so focused on how you’ll get somewhere that you forget where your’re going entirely. Keep your eyes on the bigger picture and things will fall into place as they should.
Blue Apatite – Blue Apatite inspires clarity and vision, making it ideal for revisiting past plans with fresh insight. It supports focus and encourages big-picture thinking.

February 19 - March 20
It’s time to let go of some of the uncertainties that have been holding you back from the things you want to do. You’ll contuniye to stress and beat yourself up for missing opportunities if you don’t start taking the opportunities that come your way. If self-doubt has been holding you back, now is the time to reassess why that is. Reflecting on past experiences can help you find the clarity you need to start moving forward towards the place you’d like to end up.Â
Your income and personal values are going to play a big role in the next few weeks, pushing you to think more deeply about what steps you need to take next. Some financial changes and adjustments may be necessary, but will lead to better stability in the long run. Don’t be afraid to lean on the people around you and look to them for guidance. By making conscious choices now to better yourself and others, and putting your best foot forward, you’ll be able to create a future that you love.
Green Aventurine – Green Aventurine fosters confidence and abundance, helping you let go of self-doubt and embrace new opportunities. It encourages financial stability and personal growth.